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A few weeks passed.
The relationship you thought you two had mend was suddenly fragile again.
Without dinner, you wouldn't even see him.
There were no longer meaningful conversations.
He'd sleep his side of the bed, and that was all.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
Woohyun distancing himself from you felt worse than living with your stepmom and Daehi.
A part of you wanted to ask him, but then there was another part that just wondered if he needed space.
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He looked up from his phone.
His eyes weren't the same; it looked darker than what you remember.
"Have you been okay these days?"
"Yea, why?"
"It's nothing," you smiled, shaking your head.
You sat there quietly, and he went back on his phone.

You got up from your seat and made your way to the stair, planning to go the bedroom.
Just do it.
You encouraged yourself.
You took a deep breath and walked back down, facing him.
"Did you want to plant some flowers with me?"
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
You sat on the grass, next to a bed of soil.
Woohyun sat next to you.
His presence was enough to wake the butterflies in your stomach.
"So, where do we start?" he asked, wearing the gloves.
This was quite new for you.
You have never taught anyone how to garden, but it was something you've always wanted to do.

You handed him a fork hoe.
"What do I do with this?" he asked, taking the tool from your hand.
"This tool shapes and loosens the soil."
You grabbed another pair.
"Like this," you said, as you ran the tool on top of the soil.
"This is so we can evenly plant the seeds," you told him as you continue running the fork hoe on the soil.
You stopped and looked at him.
"Did you want to try?"
Normally, he'd give you a smile or something.
This time, there was no reaction.
Woohyun took the fork hoe and ran it across the patterns you had already created.
"Like this?" he asked as he continue running the patterns.
You nodded.

You noticed that he looked bored.
Grabbing his hand caught his attention, making him glance at you.
"It's okay if you're not into gardening, or planting flowers, I can do it."
Deep inside, you felt a little hurt.
He seemed to change that part of him, his curiosity.
Woohyun didn't say anything, besides setting the tool down and walking back to the house.
You softly sighed and continued working on the garden alone.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
Woohyun stood behind the glass door; his eyes were on you.
So, you really don't know what you did wrong, ---------.
He wondered.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
You walked inside the house after gardening, only to be greeted with silence.
"What did I do wrong?" you whispered to yourself.
It felt odd that he wasn't as cheerful and playful as he usually was.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
You hopped off the bus, taking a deep breath.
Everything's fine.
You told yourself.
You walked to the river, sitting down on the grass.

You listened to the small waves clash each other, the low mumbles of conversations around you.
Did he find out about the contract?
Why is he ignoring me?
Did I do something wrong?
Does he want to break it off?
Does he know I lied about that night?

There were so many possible reasons to why, but you couldn't pick one to be the reason.
You sighed, looking out at the river.
The sun was slowly setting, its ray twinkling on the water.
Time. I just need to give him time.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
With the sky turning a shade darker, It was your sign you had to get back home.
You stood up, patting the dirt off your bottom, giving the water one last look.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
You sat on the bench, patiently waiting for the next stop.
Your mind was constantly on him.
You glanced up.
"Minho!" You smiled, knowing that you needed a friend at the moment.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, sitting next to you.
"Just waiting for the bus to go home. What about you?"
"You're not working tonight?"
"I'm off tonight."
"That's great. That place can be a little overwhelming."
"Is that why you left?"
"No, I wanted to leave that place for a while now. Just finally got to step away."
Minho nodded his head understandingly.
"I'm planning to leave soon as well."
"Really? I thought you liked it there."
"It's okay. I just want to try something else," he smiled.
"Yea, of course. There's lots of opportunities out there for you. I hope you find one soon," you returned the smile.
"Thank you!"
Minho thought for a second to himself.
"Hey, did you want to go out for dinner?"
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​
You two sat across from each other.
"Where do you work now?" Minho asked, taking a sip of his coke.
"I'm still working at that shop at the mall."
"I hope your stepsister is helping a bit now."
"Minho, I actually got married."
His eyes widened.
"Yea, I got married a few months ago."
Thinking back to that day, it brought you a smile.
"To who? You never told me!"
Minho wanted to hear all about it.
"No, it was a small wedding."
"Let me see your husband," he asked.
You thought a bit before pulling out your phone to show him a picture of Woohyun.
Looking through your gallery, you pulled a picture of you two on your wedding day.
You passed your phone to Minho.
Minho's eyes widened.
His mouth agape.
"You're married to him?!" his eyes glued to the picture.
You slowly nodded your head.
"Nam Woohyun?"
You were a little surprised.
"Do you know him?"
"Of course! He's a CEO, isn't he?"
"How do you know that?"
"Yah, --------! Your husband is all over the newspaper. Who wouldn't know him?" he chuckled, giving your phone back.

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