Chapter Twenty Two

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Nine Years Old.


I shout after my elder brother as he rides his bike at full speed, I try to catch up to him but he's too fast.
The wind slaps me on the face, blowing my hair in all directions.

"Billy! slow down!"

he looks back at me over his shoulder and grins widely.

Billy was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago,when my parents go out for work,I'm expected to take good care of my brother. Riding is the last thing he should be doing,but when he begged me to treat him like a normal person and not some sick delicate person,I finally melted and brought the keys to the room where our bikes where locked up.

"Don't be such a baby Mills," I hate it when he calls me that.

Suddenly,I see a car driving in our direction at full speed. A full panic mode grips me.

"Billy,move away from the road."

The moment he looks ahead,he diverts away from the road but the car seems to follow him. I catch up to him and grab the back of his t-shirt then fling him backwards,the motion sends us both flying to the ground with a loud thump.

"Ouch." I scream as agonizing pain shoots up my spine.

"Move Billy." I push at his body but he doesn't budge. "Billy." I place my hand under his head so that I can turn him over when something sticky clings to my fingers,I lift them to my face and red liquid drips from them.

"No no no no." I turn Billy's body upwards and see a cut on his forehead,he's not moving. I place my shaky hand on his chest holding my breath. Thankfully,his heart is still beating, I release a breath of relief.

The sound of a window sliding down has my eyes snapping up. An older man, almost papa's age stares back at me,I can't see his entire face because of the window covering half of it,but his eyes. His eyes are dark and hard,his black hair is pushed back slickly with gel and shiny with what seems to be expensive hair spray.

The need to protect Billy grips me from no where,I don't know why I feel the need to protect him from the cold eyed man.
Bill,I shake him again but his eyes don't open, suddenly,I hear the man whisper


My head snaps up in surprise.

"Who are you?"

He doesn't answer,I try to look at the driver side but the car windows are tinted.

"What do you want from us?!"

Still no reply. I move Billy carefully,the minute I stand, the window slides up and the car drives off. I stand there staring at it as it disapears down the road. I snap out of it and move back to Billy

"Hold on Billy,I'll get help okay." I whisper in a panic trembling voice.

I run as fast as I can,the first house I see is where I run to. I bang on the door with a fisted hand but there's no response,I bang again four times none stop. I'm about to do it again when the door opens and  man who seems to be in his mid thirties looks down at me with a scowl.

"Why the heck are you knocking on my door like a fucking cop?"

I don't know what he sees on my face because the scowl he has vanishes.

"Hey kid,are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost."

"P-please help me,my brother is hurt,he's bleeding from the head,please help him."

"Shit,hold on." he dissapeares into the house and comes back within a minute with keys in his hands.

"Come on,show me where he is."

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