Chapter Thirty Seven

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I sit on a chair,tracing my upper lip line with my index finger.

Viking paces back and forth in the room. We are at the mansion where we do all the Mafia's work.

After Fabrizio Monroe,a notorious Italian mafia don sent word out to us,that he can give us clues on how to find the person who framed Kill,we didn't waste any time meeting up with his right hand. He only gave us crumbs of information that were extremely helpful in finding out one thing. And that's the fact that the doppelganger is not a hired man still going around on missions killing princes,he is the actual Mastermind. He was the one who reached out to the organization and offered them a deal. A letter that was stolen with the organization leader's original signature was presented to us.

All we have to know is who he is and why he's after bringing us down. Of course there are people out there who want us gone, they've tried to assassinate us but it ended with them being fucking chopped up like pigs.

We need to know who that man is and why he's working with Malik and chose to trust the organization. The biggest puzzle in this is why the fuck Malik is watching Millie and desperately trying to get close to her.

If getting my hands on that information requires me to sell my soul to the devil,then so be it. Because Fabrizio Monroe is a fucking devil in human skin.

Ever since he said he had a condition,we've been sitting on the edge.

"What the fuck do you think he wants?" I ask,my eyes going to Zayn aka Sicko,who happens to be a fucking genius at reading people, situations and patterns.

"I hate to say,but I can't fucking sniff anything man," He says with a frown.

"Fuck. He said 48hrs,it's been 96hrs. That's four fucking days," I say with frustration.

No one,and I mean no one,makes us fucking wait. When the information you have is valuable and the time is set? If it's 24hrs,it has to be fucking 24hrs on the dot.

Viking's phone rings and he quickly retrieves it from his pocket.

"It's them," He says then picks up.

"We'll be there in 5."

The call ends.

"What?" Sin asks.

"He said we should be at the valley in five minutes. We better start fucking moving." He starts walking in the doors direction.

When we get to the valley,two black SUVs arrive and out steps Dior, Fabrizio's right hand and younger brother.

"Good evening,gents. Sorry for the delay but we had some other... business to attend to."

He smiles and it's nothing but pure sadism.

"The Don is ready to see you."

"Then let's fucking move." Viking says and everyone takes a step.

Dior tsks while shaking his head, making everyone stop in their tracks.

"We only need two people."

I volunteering step forward again without thinking about it.

Dior smiles sinisterly,his gold teeth shining in the dark night.

Will steps forward but Dior shakes his head,which has us all frowning in confusion.

"This is me we are talking about here,why the fuck am I not the one needed?" Kill grits out.

Dior doesn't answer,instead,his eyes move behind us and his smile widens.

We follow his line of vision and who we look at pauses scratching the back of his head and squints his eyes.

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