Chapter Twenty Eight

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When I saw Malik with Millie,I saw fucking red. He's here,he's back and he's already getting on my nerves,this only confirms our suspicions. Malik must have been the one behind Kill's framing.

After laying out our plan,I make the phone call.

"Meet me at the house,it's important." Then I hang up.

The person whose been watching Millie has been doing a great job.

"He's following instructions quite well I see," Viking says.

"As he should," I respond.

When Jaime walks in with the guy in tow. I give him instructions on exactly what I want him to do,then I go to Suzie's room and remind her not to let that fuck,Malik,near my girl. When it's time,I'll face him. Right now? Not yet,I need him to think his plan is working perfectly,when instead,I'm five steps ahead of him.

A ping sounds on my phone and I check.

"Fuck!" I say when a video that isn't supposed to be in existence plays.

I get to my feet and walk out,ignoring everyone who calls my name.

I take two steps at a time,when I walk out of the house,I'm literally jogging to campus.

I can hear footsteps behind me but I keep moving. I stop when I see a crowd forming near the cafe a few meters outside campus.

"Fuck," Jaime curses behind me.

"Get rid of anything on their fucking phones." I tell the other guy I recently hired as backup for the other one who was following Millie.

I rush to the scene and push people aside.

Mia has Millie by the hair,thrusting her around as people lift their phones, recording the whole thing.

"Get the fuck out of my way."

Jaime pulls a shocked Suzie who was blocked by some girls to him.

When I manage to pull the girls apart, Mia screams.

"Everybody give me their fucking phones!" Zayn shouts and they don't hesitate as they hand over.

"You fucking traitor! I was heartbroken and you consoled me when in fact,you were the one snatching him away from me."

"I didn't Mia,I didn't take him away from you," Millie cries softly.

"You knew I loved him,you treacherous,lying, stupid,plain bimbo."

"Well he didn't love you,that's for sure." Suzie jumps to Millie's defense.

Millie shakes her head at Suzie.

"What? You're still protecting her after what she's done to you?"

"She's just hurt,I know she doesn't mean everything she's doing."

Bitter laughter comes from Mia's mouth.

"You think if you play innocent,all these people will buy it? You're a traitor,a man snatcher. You're shameless and a wolf behind sheep's clothing."

"That's enough," I grit my teeth, shielding Millie.

Mia looks up at me with fresh tears.

"What did she do to you? We were happy,she must have told you something so that you can hate me and turn to her."

"I fucking told you countless times Mia,there was no "us" okay? She did nothing,you and I were just screwing around for fun."

She shakes her head frantically.

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