Chapter Sixty Five

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Two weeks of torture and misery. Two weeks of unhappiness. If I don't do what Scott wants,he abuses me. In front of my father,he acts like the perfect gentleman. But grandma? That witch knows about the abuse but still chooses not to do anything about it. By the time papa came home from god knows where,the wounds had healed. As for the busted lip, Scott made sure he thought I was beaten up by Logan when I "chose" to come back home.

I didn't object because he threatened to expose grandma and papa,I might let him get the job done for me easily but no,that will only make him look like a saint, grandma and papa might fall but he'll remain standing and I'll still be his wife to be. I can't let that happen,I need them all to fall together.

The lie about Logan hurting me just made the beef between my family and the Fathers and Lords worse. The fact that he almost died by the hands of the Colombians because they found out that he and grandma made a fool out of them,has fueled his hatred. They made them make the biggest mistake of their lives,which is messing with the Lords.

I don't think this is over just because he managed to dodge that bullet,they will come for my family,and by then,i don't want to be here. I won't be here.

The war that is brewing is making me more scared with each passing day, it might happen today or tomorrow or the next day. We all just don't know the time and place because nobody knows who will make the first move to attack.

My family has the organisation behind them,with how slimy my grandmother is, I'm not sure which other allies she made in these past weeks.

I might have my phone but I'm not allowed to call or text anyone connected to the Fathers and Lords.

So far,I've managed to gather some evidence. A recording of grandmother talking on phone with a few enemies of the Vail. I managed to capture a copy of the agreement between her and Luciano's signatures on agreeing to be partners. I also video recorded their conversation in the office,where she calls papa George and his accent sounds pure Italian and his voice nothing like Will's.

What's hard is how to hand over the evidence to my friends. Maybe if I do that,they might be able to forgive me for what happened to Viking.
Since we're on a break from school,it's been harder to find a way to see them.

Grandma,papa and Scott think my "fake," mom is in the Lords' mansion in order to gain their trust and betray them at the last minute. So she and I agreed to follow my plan,when I gather full information,I'll hand it over to her on the day I'm supposed to get married,since she'll have to be there as my mother. That way,the wedding won't go through,instead of marriage, they have no idea they are arranging and decorating everything for their own downfall.

The woman who was to replace my mother after the fire was given a ridiculous amount of cash and her family has been kept an eye on ever since. My grandma and papa think they have something to hold her loyalty with,when actually,they don't. Because this is my mom,she has no relation with those people,but we still have a plan to protect them too.

"So, sweetheart,are you excited for your wedding?" Papa asks.

Tonight,we are having dinner together as a "family." Scott's sisters, Shey and Taya,and their grandmother are here as well.

"Do my friends still get to be my bridesmaids?" I ask without lifting my eyes from the plate.

"Millie,we talked about this. No one associated with the Lords will take part in any friendly activities of your wedding."

"Who isn't taking part?" Scott asks, pulling out a chair and sitting next to me.

My body tenses. Last time I mentioned this,his stare was nothing friendly.

"She wants her friends to be her bridesmaids."

I can feel his eyes burn holes in my face,so I clear my throat and lift my eyes to meet his.

"Papa said I had that right."

We have a stare down contest until papa himself clears his throat.

"After what that guy did to you,I don't think those girls should be your bridesmaids."


I look at him then back to Scott who has a victorious look in his eyes.

"Shey and Taya can be your bridesmaids." Grandma suggests.

"True,so Taya and Shey it is." Papa says with a finality tone which makes anger bubble inside me.


I stop when a hand squeezes my thigh underneath the table. I blink back the tears and get up, excusing myself.


Anxiety,fear,panic. All those are the feelings rushing inside me at the thought of getting married to Scott tomorrow. I just hope everything goes according to plan,I can't leave room for any mistakes. I need to make sure my plan smoothly pushes through tomorrow.

It's midnight when I leave my room and hear the shower running in Scott's room. This is it,this is my opportunity to get the last piece of evidence. I know it's dangerous because there might be cameras in his room but I'll take that chance.

I slip inside and see his phone on the bedside table,I reach for it and try out a few passwords which fail twice. One attempt remaining. I close my eyes and pray for any help from the universe. If this fails,he'll know I tried to get in his phone and I don't know what will happen to me.

What's the one thing he desires so much in life? One thing he's willing to do every and anything just to get? I type the last attempt with shaky fingers.


The phone unlocks and I let out the breath i was holding.

I quickly go to his Gmail and capture any email I can without reading through. The shower stops and I erase any trace of my activities then lock the phone and place it back where I found it. I silently slip out of the room and head back to mine, shutting the door. I pace the room while chewing on my fingernails.

I sit on the bed and start going through each and every picture. There's nothing here,just a bunch of business emails that hold no evidence of foul play.

I sigh in frustration.
I'm running out of time. And then it hits me,the Safe. The Safe in grandma's room. But how will I be able to get inside? Think Millie,think.

Tomorrow. She'll be busy trying to make sure that the wedding is pure perfection. That's when I'll go in and try to open the Safe. I'm sure she has some dirt to hold against Scott just in case of anything. These people might be working together,but they are definitely planning on betraying each other. No Loose Ends.

All I can do right now is to hope for the best.
Because If  I get caught,lord protect me. Everything will be done, completely.

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