Chapter Forty Six

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I've been beating the shit out of anyone who seems to irritate me the slightest bit lately. It's been two weeks and I still see red fucking red.
Millie and Malik are getting married in three months time and there's nothing I can do about it. The only way is to prove that George Marcel is alive and is the one who has been killing heirs.

"So here's my idea," Zayn sits on the sofa, spreading his arms wide and legs apart. "We kidnap Millie and force the truth out of that old lady,she seems to love the wealth and power back in her hands."

Miriam Marcel is a very cunning woman,I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who came up this entire plan from the start. When her husband was alive,she was known to be the brains behind many of his tactics. She's a ruthless and cold hearted bitch who won't stop until she's eliminated everyone she believes took part in ruining her family and legacy.

"That will just dig a deeper hole for us."

The Marcel's plotted everything perfectly. I know it's just a matter of time before Miriam plays her other card,and that's making us look as though we knew that Millie was a Marcel all this time but chose to hide her. Her last card though? She and her son will bring down the Fathers. But that will only happen if I'm dead,yeah,if. I won't let that fucking happen,not on my watch.

The fact that the Fathers are acting calm about all this is actually grating on my nerves.

"I just have to find a way to get in there...." I trail off and abruptly stand.

"What?" Viking asks.

"Her mother."

"Who's mother...? fuck. That's our only shot at a chance for you to speak with Millie. By the way,why would they keep her mother in the dark about this?" Serpent asks.

"Because she wouldn't give them her daughter to use as bait that easily," I say.

I need to fly over there and talk to her before they do. Whatever the reason is for them to hide what's happening to her daughter from her,is what we have against them.

In a few hours,I'm already at Millie's mother's doorstep. I ring the doorbell and a beautiful blond woman,who is an older version of Millie opens up.

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon," she replies with a frown, looking confused at best. Looks like it's not everyday a tattooed guy stands at her doorstep.

"You must be Lydia Cortez,my name is Logan. Logan King."

Her eyes widen when I say my full name.  She tries to slam the door shut but I place my foot in the way, wincing at the pain that just shot through my leg.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I have information that will come in handy to you. It's about your daughter, Millie. Let me in and we can have a proper talk."

She looks at me as if contemplating whether to trust me or not,then she opens the door wide and gives way for me.

"You can take a seat." I sit down and she does the same opposite me,the only thing separating us is the coffee table in he middle of the room.

"You said you want to talk about Millie."


I start explaining everything to her,the more I get deeper,the more her face drains of blood.

"Miss Marcel,your husband is alive."

Her lips shake and her finger keeps twitching. My eyes narrow and I think about what Eugenio said that day in the Den. "He's a fucking genius at creating doppelgangers."

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