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    He was like the sun. The warm light of her bedroom embraced him so beautifully that Natalie could've sworn it was made for him. She'd never seen anyone more...


   There he stood, in the middle of her bedroom, scanning her up and down with vicious, yearning eyes. His look made her feel unsafe, preyed on even. And it was exhilarating.  Natalie felt like every part of her was being consumed by that one look, filled with so much burning hunger. The man looked at her like she already belonged to him, and he was just there to claim what's his.  

   This is what Natalie longed for, what she's envisioned for the past two weeks. Every night when he wasn't there made her ache with worry and longing. It was like those two weeks he was away only made her more captivated by him, made her yearn for the feeling he gave her. And right now, it was multiplied. Natalie wanted to step closer to him, she wanted to touch him and feel that he was real. That he was there. Unfortunately, her body was not agreeing with her, she was frozen in place. All she could do was stare into his  big brown venomous eyes. 

   Noticing that, Toby chose to take a step towards the girl. And another, and another, until they were almost inches apart. He set his hatchet and mouth guard aside, leaning in to whisper in Natalie's ear. 

  "Cat got your tongue?"

    It was like the warmth Natalie felt on her skin broke her from the trance. Her nostrils were overwhelmed with his scent, it was intoxicating. She allowed her eyes to break from that one spot and travel down his body, looking for injuries. Call it a habit. Or maybe just the thought of looking him in the eyes made her go lightheaded. 

    Toby didn't like that though. In one swift movement, he gently grabbed her chin and pointed it up, to face him.

"Eyes up here, angel." he said in a bewitching tone. Smirking at her, he let his thumb caress her face as he held her chin. 

  Natalie had never witnessed this side of him before. This obsessive, poisonous side. And she wasn't going to waste it. Without even knowing what came to her, she reached up and removed the orange goggles of his face. Toby could have easily stopped her, he was 100 times stronger and she knew it. But he didn't. He allowed it. He allowed her  to see him whole.

   He leaned in and she could feel his warm breath against her face. Her heart was beating out of her chest and all she could think about was how close his lips were to hers. There was some faint thought in her subconscious that this was wrong. So wrong and so twisted. The logical part of her brain was yelling that she could never feel this way about a murderer, and even more, a murderer could never truly love her. That this could only end one way: with him locked up or her dead. They were playing a dangerous game, but it was far too late to back out of it now. She had to keep playing. In a way he was everything she craved from life. With an absent father and a neglecting mother Natalie has never really felt love. But this...this fiery, greedy look in his eyes. This must be love, right? She didn't know for sure, all she knew was that he was here and somehow, he was hers. He was hers in ways that he wasn't anyone's. And Natalie was not about to let that go.

   Therefore, the girl allowed herself to let him in. She allowed her hands to wander up and rest on his neck. To feel the heat of his skin against her palm. And Toby wasn't any different. He was engulfed by her mere presence. All those nights, all those secret glances and touches that were so much more than just healing. He knew what they all meant and he knew what he would do about it. And he's known that for a long time, long before she even knew about him

    Truly, he had been watching her for months. Stalking her every move, figuring out this enigmatic girl. And with every day he spent watching her, the more he felt she was perfect. That she'd understand him, she'd accept, she'd love. Not like she has a choice really. Ever since the day he first laid his eyes on her, she was his. And his only. No one could take her away, he'd kill whoever even thought about trying. Including her  if she wanted to leave. Toby would never allow that, according to his point of view it was indefinitely better for her to be dead than with anyone else. That's why he had to get rid of that feeble little cop, just like he'll get rid of every single person in her life that tries to intervene. That cop was in the way, and Toby couldn't allow anyone to be in the way of him and Natalie. Not even his own people.

  Their faces were so close that Natalie could feel his every breath. And still, she didn't have the guts to close the distance between them. The girl could feel his finger slide across her lower lip, the touch alone made her shiver with desire.  She could gaze at him forever. Even with his scar, he was beautiful. 

  The silence between their unspoken looks was disturbed by a horrifying sound. Police sirens. As soon as the two heard them, Toby's expression changed. From those honey eyes to the same piercing gaze he had in that dark alleyway. Before Natalie even knew it, he had his goggles and mouth guard back on. As he was reaching for his hatchet, the girl caught his hand and spoke for the first time.

  "Are they after you? Did you lead them here?" , she said, worry etched on her features.

  "More or less. They have a...hunch. Nothing you're involved with, angel." , he clarified while strapping his weapon to his belt. He was ready to walk away from her once more but she stopped him in his tracks. 

 "Be safe." she spoke in a heartbeat. Toby waited for a second and then officially left without another word. But Natalie knew he understood, that he'd listen.

   Minutes passed and the sirens were now gone. The room was filled with an uneasy silence. Now that Toby was gone it was like she could think clearly. Tears started flowing from her eyes, the girl broke into a distressed sob. Not because she was in grave danger since this dangerous killer now had his eye on her. Not even because an innocent man died only for his association with her. No...Natalie was crying because she knew all that and still felt like she could never not want Toby. He had done something so spiteful, he was a devil. And she was his angel

    Natalie knew she could never turn back to the girl she was before he invited himself into her life. That girl was gone. Who knows, maybe if she'd had the right type of childhood, maybe if her mother was present enough to actually notice stuff, maybe she would've gotten help. But she didn't. And it was far too late now. She was in deep, she loved him. Or at least she thought so. And it was going to cost her. The girl's life was on the line every second she spent with him. But to hell if it wasn't worth it.

  Meanwhile, Toby had managed to get rid of the cops on his tail. And now that they were gone, he had people way more dangerous and upset  to deal with.

A/N: Hello! Just wanted to say real quick that I do not condone this type of relationship. It is codependent, toxic and obsessive. They're both two sick individuals with mental issues. It might be fun to read/write about but please don't romanticize this type of bond! It is not healthy! That's all, enjoy the book and thank you for being here <3

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