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When Toby returned to the base and found that nothing was out of order, he figured something was fishy. Especially when Brian seemed to try so hard to keep him occupied with irrelevant things like schedules and missing mission reports.

"A missing report is no reason to text me "S.O.S.", Brian", Toby said, annoyed by the man's lack of common sense.

"It's important to have these stuff filled out, Toby", Brian said in a stern voice, pulling out more and more files from the small drawer in the map room.

Toby's eyes furrowed with suspicion and mild concern.

"Where's our darling Timothy, then? This seems like a job for the whole board.", Toby asked in a mocking voice, his gaze fixated on Brian as if trying to decipher what he's thinking.

"Out. With business.", Brian spat, his eyes still facing the documents and avoiding Toby's.

"What business could possibly be more important than filling reports, I wonder?", Toby asked playfully, sneering at the other man's words. But when he was met with silence from Brian, confusion would replace his prior confidence. No quick remarks? No irony? That was weird, usually Brian would always have something to say to his mocking. Unless...he was hiding something.

Toby leaned his head to the side observing Brian. Something was wrong. He could feel something was wrong. His eyes widened at the realization that hit him. What did Tim to Brian say that day when Toby was eavesdropping from the hallway? That he'd be the one to handle Natalie if Brian hadn't managed to. And since Brian tried to reason with her and failed, then that means...

As the realization hit him like a punch in the face, Toby jumped up from his seat and booked it for the exit. He heard Brian's yells behind him, but they went on deaf ears. All he could think about in that second was one thing, or more exactly person. Natalie was in trouble.

When he reached the path to the cabin, his head was full of terrifying thoughts. About what could happen and what Tim would do. I mean he's never told anyone about this location so how would be know, right? There was no way. He assured himself of that, as his quick pace brought him closer and closer to the cabin.

Unfortunately for him, the sight ahead vanquished every bit of comfort he had. Toby felt fear and adrenaline take over him as he broke into a run. Down the path was Natalie, and on top of her...Tim. A surge of anger shook his body as he reached for his hatchets, but something else caught his attention. A gun laid on the ground , not even a foot away from the attack that took place. Hurriedly, he picked it up and spoke.

"Let her go, Tim!", he shouted in a composed and threatening voice, the man knew he couldn't show how scared he was right now.

Tim peaked his head and in that split second Natalie managed to get up and away from him. To Toby's terror though, Tim was faster and caught her once more, positioning a knife to her throat.

"Tim I said let her go. You know I don't like repeating myself buddy.", Toby threatened in a seemingly steady voice. But on the inside he was crumbling. His gaze remained on Tim as even the mere thought of looking Natalie in the eye in this situation made him shake. He couldn't see her like that. Feel the terror and impending doom in her eyes, like he did last time...Only now Toby wasn't the source of that fear.

Tim smirked with a hint of confidence etched on his features.

"Well go on then, shoot me. I'll heal, but she won't.", the hostile man said before gliding his knife against the girl's throat in one movement. In the same second, Toby pressed the trigger, the bullet going straight through Tim's shoulder, but it was too late. Natalie's body fell with a hard thud on the forest ground.

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