Final A/N

22 3 10

    Hello guys! First of all, thank you for being here and reading my wonderful angsty story.

     So,  I would like to first address the ending. I'm sorry if it upsets anyone but I believe this was the only possible, "realistic" ending that these 2 could have gotten. They never would have worked out. Natalie would've ended up feeling caged and maybe he'd have killed her anyway. Toby is a very unstable individual and Natalie is not any better. She's craved love from her parents all her life. And when she couldn't find it there, she chose to accept and cherish it from Toby. Regardless if that love from him was more of an obsessive, codependent bond. So yeah, hope the ending makes a bit more sense now if it didn't already before.

   Now that that's out of the way, I really hope you guys liked this story!! I genuinely really enjoyed writing it, it was fun to take some of my craziest ideas and turn them into something cool. Also, I do not intend on writing any kind of second part to this book. But maybe I'll start another one (creepypasta themed) soon enough if the right inspiration comes along, so stay tuned for that! :)

   That was all! Thank you again and if you have any question my dm's and comments are always open! Have a great night/ day/ evening! <3

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