Chapter 2

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"Okay I get it you're sorry now leave please" he said

I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. I grabbed my best friends arm and ran out the door. The second we were out of the door I let out all the tears and I couldn't stop them.

"josy what am I going to do now matt doesn't like me" I cried.

"I cant believe the way he acted like that wtf was is wrong with him today?" She said making me laugh

"Hey are you still going to the show?" Josy asks

"why would I go if he hates me. He doesn't want to see my face anymore. im sorry josy but im calling my mom so she can pick me up I just want to go home."

"NO Vanessa you cant leave me here. I know this is a lot to ask from you but please go with me maybe he was in a bad mood and let it all on you. PLEASE?" she begged.

"FINE! but if we makes any nasty faces at me I am leaving okay?"

"AHHH yay thanks you're the best friend ever. Now lets go to the hotel so we can rest before the show starts okay?"

"Okay" I really didn't want to go to the show anymore but I couldn't let my friend down. I just hope Matt doesn't see me in the show because all I know is it wont end good.

(Matt pov.)

I couldn't believe that just happened she spilled her drink all over me she should watch were she's walking next time. I now I made such a big deal about nothing but I had too...

"Dude what the hell just happened? You need to chill out why are you so mad it was an accident I feel so bad for her. How do you know she wasn't a fan you dumb ass." said Cameron.

"She spilled her drink all over me and I hope she isn't a fan because I'm annoyed by her I wouldn't stand seeing her again. Now leave me the fuck alone okay we need leave anyways the show starts in 30 minutes lets go."

(Cameron POV)

I don't know what the fuck was wrong with Matt in there I've never seen him act that way I felt so bad for the girl you could see how crushed she looked when matt was yelling at her.

Right when we were going to walk out I saw a paper about to fly out of the door. I grabbed the paper, it was a ticket for our show tonight. I looked at the name to see who it was and it said "Vanessa Ruiz". I put it in my pocket to see if i can find the person later.

When we got to the hotel I asked the lady in the front desk if any person staying in this hotel was named "Vanessa Ruiz". She said there was and gave me her room number. Her room was in the third floor were our rooms are and her room was only 3 rooms away from ours. I knocked and waited for someone to open the door.

Suddenly they open the door I couldn't believe who was in front me. it was the same girl that Matt was yelling at in Starbucks. Shit this is going to be really awkward.

"um hey...sorry for what happened in Starbucks I don't know what's wrong with Matt today I've never seen him act this way.

That's fine it wasn't you're fault" she said.

Poor girl she looks so nice.

"The reason I came here was because I found you're ticket for the show. so..... here you go I hope you come, and don't worry ill make sure Matt doesn't freak out again" I said

"Im really sorry i spilled my drink on Matt I really didn't mean to. I hope he can forgive me."

"Don't worry about it he was just in a bad mood or something" he said

"anyways thanks for finding my ticket i was looking every where for it and yea I am going but only because my friend is making me but  thanks again and ill see you in 20 minutes bye" she said


She looks so nice i feel so bad for her. I should've asked her what her friends name was shes really hot. I was going to tell matt that Vanessa was going to be at the show but i know that wasn't a good idea.

(Vanessa pov)

"OMG CAMERON DALLAS was talking to you omfg you are so lucky" josy said.

"I know but don't worry he was totally into you i caught him staring at you like 10 times"

"Anyways now that you got you're ticket lets go to the show now" she said

"fine lets go"

im so nervous what if Matt sees me and he get really mad. Ugh I feel sick now. When we got there it was so full of screaming fans. Suddenly all the boys came out and I felt even more sick.

(Matts POV)

The show finally was about to start. When I got out there all I could see was a bunch of my beautiful fans screaming that just made me so happy. But that all changed. When I looked at my fans I spotted the girl I was screaming at earlier in Starbucks. suddenly I was so mad. Next thing I know I had a microphone in my hand and the words that were about to come out of my mouth were not good.

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