Chapter 3

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(Matt's Pov)

"Wow look who it is. Do you have a another damn drink to spill at me?" I said to Vanessa.

Yes I do know her name. I'm kind of forced to know her...

I know that wasn't a good idea to embarrass her like that but I had to do it for him....he's the boss...

"What the hell matt." Cameron yelled at me!

All I could see was the girl that I have to "not like" started to cry and ran out of the show. I wanted to tell her I didn't mean to say that and that I'm sorry i made her cry... But I can't

After the show we all went back to our rooms at the hotel. Today was just so weird. I just wanted to go to sleep.

(Vanessa's Pov)

I couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth I was so crushed. The guy I looked up to doesn't like me at all.

"Hey Vanessa are you okay?" Josy asked.

"No. I just want to go home!"

"Okay then pack you're stuff cause were leaving today. Today just wasnt your day.... i have to get something from the front desk okay ill be right back" she said.

"Okay bye"

(Josy's Pov)

I lied to Vanessa I wasn't going to the front desk I wanted to find cameron so i could give him something. I was walking to his room when I crashed into him in the hall way.

"Oops sorry um hi im Vanessa's friend" I said nervously.

"Oh hi" he said.

"I actually was looking for you to give you this."handing him a blue Envelope.

"What's this?" He asked confused

"It's a letter. It's from Vanessa you see we came here because Vanessa wanted to meet matt...and before we came here she wrote a letter explaining everything matt meant to her...Anyways all im asking is for you to give this letter to matt so he can understand how much he messed up by being such a dick to her. Just don't tell Vanessa you have the letter because I stoled it from her she was actually going to rip it up but I got it before she did. Anyways please give this matt" I said

"Okay ill make sure I do" he said

"Ooh and before I forget here's my number. Text me when you gave the letter to Matt and what he had to say about it"

I was leaving when Cameron says something.

"Bye Josy." And chuckled.

I turn around to ask him how he knew my name but he was gone.

(Cams Pov)

I can already imagine Josys face when I said her name. I have my ways on how I know her name. When i got in my room I give the letter to matt and explained from who it was. He was about to rip it but I made him read it.

(Matt's Pov)

Ugh why do I have to read this. If I read it its going to make me feel more of a dick then what I'm feeling already.

While I was reading this letter I started to fell like such an asshole. She told me how much I meant to her. She also said I helped her through a lot of things. I didn't even know I could have such in impact on people. Ugh shit I need to fix this I need to talk to her.

BLACK AND WHITE LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora