Chapter 17: Because I want a happy ending

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Last chapter! Don't miss the epilogue :)


Liz' POV

There's nothing better than waking up next to your boyfriend. There's nothing better than having the feeling that everything will be alright while you hug him.

Nobody could imagine my happiness when he showed up yesterday. And then call his escape 'not much'. Sure, Nick, sure.

'Good morning, beautiful,' he said.

'Good morning handsome.'

I kissed him and got up from my bed. Today would probably be long again, there was a lot to do and Alex texted me that he would stop by to talk to Nick. He would tell him that he was gay, and to see how I was doing.

I have missed him too, it has been a while since I last saw him. I missed his shaking curls and amazing laugh. He would probably be able to help Nick getting happier too. He seemed depressed, constantly thinking about how he could divorce Rebecca. Dad helped him for a little, but it seemed pointless. How do you divorce when there hasn't even been an official wedding?

He was also worried about Joyce. She was still at home with his mother and probably didn't know where he was at the moment. He knows that she will be alright with his mom, but he clearly needs her.

We had breakfast in silence. We just watched eachother, or at least, I watched him. He seemed to stare right through me, his mind still somewhere else.

'Have you already figured something out?'

He shook his head and took another bite.

'Alex is coming over in an hour.'

He nodded.

'You need to get dressed.'

No response.

'Nick! Get dressed!' I yelled before he nodded briefly.

He got up and walked upstairs. Fifteen minutes later he was dressed and all, pants, socks, shirt inside out...

I laughed and pointed it out, he just took his shirt of -which I didn't mind at all- and put it on again, good this time.

A bit later Alex came over. He had asked me to stay with them, so I did. We sat down at the couch awkwardly, so I just offered them something to drink. Alex shook his head, it was clear that he was pretty nervous about this. I couldn't blame him, Nick is his best friend.

His curls didn't bounce. That was too bad. It would have been nice if he at least seemed happy, just for Nick. But I thought that he would be less nervous if Nick accepted him.

'Nick... I don't want to hide it anymore. I'm gay.' He threw his hands up in the air. He swallowed and looked at his friend curiously.

Nick just smiled and fist-pumped the air. Alex raised his eyebrows. 'I knew it!' Nick bursted out. 'It's okay dude, I would have left you a long time ago if I wasn't okay with it.' Once again he fist-pumped the air.

'Oh come on! It wasn't that clear, was it?'

Nick laughed. 'You checked Micks ass! Come on!'

Alex laughed, making his curls bounce, finally. 'Okay, maybe you have a point there.'He pursed his lips together. 'I really failed hiding it so long.'

'Yup, you sure did!'

The awkwarness was gone after that. We were the same as we we started, in the cafeteria, having lunch, just the three of us. The only thing missing was Rebecca's gaze. But to be honest, I didn't miss it.

After two hours Alex got up. 'I really need to go now. I'll talk to you soon!' He practically danced out of the room, pretending to be extra gay. Nick and I just laughed. It was nice to hear Nick's laugh again.

Alex opened the door, and before he closed it, all we heard was a scream. We heard loud footsteps in the hallway, approaching us quickly.

Nicks mother stood in the doorway. Gazing at us like we were some extinct animal species. 'Get up.'

Nick shook his head, 'forget it, woman. I'm not going with you.'

'Oh yes you are.' She nodded twice and three other guys appeared next to her. 'You are coming with us.' The men picked Nick up with ease, which was weird already.

Nick mouthed at me that he would be alright, and left with the men.

'What the hell was that!?' Alex yelled.

I shook my head. 'No clue.'


Nicks POV

'Could you just put me down?'


'Pretty please?'


'Pretty please with a cherry on top?'

'Oh yes, now it's with a cherry on top, sure!' the big guy teased.

The guy laughed, making my body shake at the same rhythm as his.  I kept my pokerface.

The guy threw me at the ground -literally. I was back in my room. And I needed a new plan of escape. Blood wasn't going to work.

I was at the point of faking a heart-attack when my sister visited me. 'Welcome back, bro!'

'Thanks, sis!'

She sat down in front of me, casually talking about the weather and what she did while I was gone.

'I built a rose garden, baked cookies with Leo... Oh!' She stuck her finger up in the air. 'And I found a way to divorce, and went to visit the neighbours.'

My mouth dropped open. 'You WHAT!?'

'I visited the neighbours.'

I grinned. 'You found a way to divorce?'

'Yes, it's pretty easy.' She reached into her pocket. 'Here's your wedding document. It hasn't been made official yet, so you can just tear it apart.'

'Seriously? All it takes is tear some piece of paper apart?' I mentally face-palmed myself.

I hugged my sister tightly and accepted the document. 'I didn't tear it apart yet, because I thought that you would like to do it.'

I nodded, 'yes, thanks!'

I turned to the camera that was new in my room and smiled. 'Hi mom! Enjoy the show!'

I had just ripped it in two pieces when she burst through the door. 'Give it!'

'Nope!' four pieces. 'Oh look! I'm divorced!'

My mothers mouth dropped open, not minding the door anymore. All she did was just watch me as I walked through the it. I waved at her. 'Oh, thanks Joyce!'

In the hallway I passed Rebecca. 'Hey hubby!'

'Hi ex-wife!'

I threw the papers in her face and couldn't help but laugh while she stamped on the floor in disbelief. Once I was outside, I ran back towards my girlfriend, happy to tell her it would be the end of everything.

I rang the doorbell, -I don't even know how many times, but it opened pretty soon so I guess I pressed it too many times. Whoops.

Liz smiled at me. 'Now already?' She threw her arms around my neck.

I kissed her and smiled. 'Yes, and I'm free!'


AN: That's earlier than expected! Vote for the last chapter? I love you for reading this! And I really would love it if you read the prologue lol! BUT I LOVE YOU READER! If you made it all the way up here, you must be awesome! Unicorn awesome.

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