Part 1, Entry 9

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Day Ten, First Moon, Hunting Year Five Hundred and Four

I can go back to school -- not that I want to. Jacob Wilder is there with a dumb, ugly smirk on his face. Every time he looks at me, it's like his eyes are saying gotcha. He must have been talking about me while I was gone. I keep catching people looking at me behind my back and whispering. I would ask them if I had something on my face, but I'm sure that's not the problem. Michael told me the whispering started before I came back to class, so it's almost definitely because of something Jacob said. Most of the other students avoided sitting near me today. Michael kept me company, even though he usually likes to sit with the boys he plays with during break. I like this side of Michael, but I wish that other people hiding from me wasn't the reason he's being nice.


Another short entry, but we're starting to get to know Kyla and how her world works! Thanks for sticking with this story! If you feel like reading it any faster, you can visit my blog, but if not, I'll continue posting on Mondays for now.


It turns out that I really enjoy writing stream of consciousness. It feels like a natural way of showing how the narrator is feeling. Personally, I don't think in an organized manner, so a flowy way of thinking makes sense on the page for me. I don't know if that's true for other folks.

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