Part 1, Entry 13

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Day Thirty, First Moon, Hunting Year Five Hundred and Four

Mama is well-stocked now. It feels good to be helping. She's going to send me to the Village Common next week to sell jams, sauces, and soaps. She Says that if we had some of the leaves from the blackberry bushes, we could make teas and poultices. That's the closest she got to asking for them outright -- she would never ask because she knows where the bushes grow. If Mama wants blackberry leaves, I'll get her blackberry leaves. She says the tea can help people who have mouth sores or a scratchy throat, or if you have trouble with digestion. The poultices will help if you have an inflamed wound, too. So, we can use the leaves to help Michael feel better and add them to the medicinal stores for the winter. Then, if there's extra, we can sell them at market on the Common. Of course, I'm going to go back to the wood. There's no question.


Happy Holidays! I hope the holiday season is treating you well! And if it isn't, I hope you are finding good stories to read to help you escape mentally.

Like any other writer, I slip things about myself into the details. In this section, it's the bit about the jams, sauces, and soaps. I used to pick blackberries on a neighbor's property when I was a kid. Then, we would cook them into preserves and sauces. I also make my own soap. I'm glad that I do, because I'm able to add more moisture than what I get out of most store-bought soaps.

What do you take from your own like and put into the stories you write?

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