Part 1, Entry 22

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Day Twenty-Three, Second Moon, Hunting Year Five Hundred and Four

I can't feel my legs up to my knees now, and I'm getting worried that people are going to take that as a sure sign of witchery -- or that the Curse is setting into my body -- so I have to be careful. Grandpa fashioned a pair of crude little splints to hold my ankles steady when I walk. They definitely help keep me upright, but I still walk differently from the way I did before. I've been practicing with the splints all day, and it's truly exhausting. I don't remember a stroll tiring me out like this.

I have rashes starting to develop on my feet and ankles now, from the splints. I saw them when I took the splints off so I could change. That might be a problem in the future, but for now, they at least do what they are supposed to do, which is keep me upright, and I'm able to keep them hidden under my skirts, so no one sees them.

I'm hoping I can keep it hidden, but I'm really tired now. I'm going to take a rest the way Mama does in the middle of the day. Maybe that will help.

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