Part 2, Entry 8

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Day Twenty-Two, Fourth Moon, Hunting Year Five Hundred and Four

I went to my first community meeting today. There's an administrative council that takes account of all the people and resources in the Haven and collects surplus. There are specified trade days, collection days, and distribution days. On trade days, people set up their wares in the same way they do back home, but collection and distribution days are different. On collection days, people who have surplus harvests, extra supplies or wares, or spare time and skills meet on the common to register those goods and services with the councilors. On distribution days, people who need food or resources or services but don't have anything to trade come to the common to see if anything submitted on collection day can fill their need.

People like me, who are new to the Haven, are most likely to come to distribution days, but people who have had a bad harvest, or have been sick, or just need a little extra help come, too. And a councilor will go door-to-door on the morning of distribution days to make sure that if someone can't go there in-person, they can still make their request. It's so different from home that I find it to be a bit shocking, but it's a good shock. Nobody is cursed in the Haven, and nobody carries the Curse of witchery, even though they aren't any different than they were when they were kicked out of the Village. This is so different from what I know. I've got a lot of thinking to do.

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