Part 2, Entry 4

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Day Ten, Fourth Moon, Hunting Year Five Hundred and Four

There's a beauty in strangeness that I never imagined encountering -- though, as I live it more, I wonder if strangeness is so apt a word. I will have to see if I can find a word for it that is better suited, but for now --

In the Village, we hid our strangeness. Mama kept a strict schedule and showed herself regularly to make sure that no one outside our home knew that she took rests at midday. They kept me inside and away from school and arranged a host of theatrics to hide the changes in my body after I stepped on the hive. Mason and Maya Dunkin's parents hid Mason's episodes until they couldn't anymore, and I bet Loretta, who was discovered wearing her brother's trousers, got caught when she was doing that in secret. Everyone kept talking about the curses, but I wonder if it was more about the secret strangeness -- the things we were afraid of other people knowing about ourselves.


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