See You Tomorrow

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Just as Hughys dad applied our last tapes, the door bell rang. We all began to walk to the door to see who it may be. My dad walked into the door.

"Hey stinkers how are you both doing?" he asked

"Good" we both replied

"That's great to hear, but Brent we've got to be going home so we can get you adjusted tp your new room"

"But I wanna stay and play!" I cried

" Aww its alright buddy" my dad said

"You can play with Hughy tomorrow okay?"

Wiping away my tears, I complied and let by dad lift me up with a crinkle.

"See you tomowwow Hughy" I said I waved goodbye to my new friend

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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