Meeting shini-nii? whose that..

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A/N: hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting, as I said, I won't be posting daily and I hope you guys can forgive me, but here's another chapter that will hopefully make up for the lost days!.

M/n pov:

Who the hell is that? I don't remember no shin-nii. .maybe a close relative, considering he used "nii" instead of "san" or "kun".

Baji then interrupted, telling him how he missed the boy so much.

"Yeah! I remember him whining so much about you not being at his house most of the time, also, Emma misses you".

Nobody's pov:

"Huh? Who the hell is Emma?".

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, how did
M/n not know who Emma was? they were best friends ever since they met eachother, so it was kinda confusing when he didn't know who she was.

"The hell do you mean "who the hell is Emma?" She's like your best friend, my sister? Hello, are you okay in the head".

"Huh, that's weird, maybe they've been away from eachother for way to long that he forgot"

So that what they did, they decided since m/n forgot who his best buddy was, they decided it was time for him to visit his second home, unfortunately pah and kazutora, along with mitsuya and draken, had to go run some errands. So it was only "edward" and "Micheal" left.

"Okay, we're here now, but be careful of shini-nii, he hasn't seen you in 3 months, he's bound to keep you all to himself the whole time we're here okay?".

"Yeah yeah, sure okay".

Baji and Mikey were worried. Normally, m/n wouldn't act like this, he would've responded more accurately but no, just bland and dry are all that came out of his mouth.
They cautiously head through the gate of their house, seeing some different motorcycles in the driveway, 3 other different ones, maybe it was his friends? Oh well, they head up to the front, they could hear some laughter, baji and mikey look at eachother, that's right, they never really introduced m/n to these new people.

"Oh right, m/n you might meet some new people, you've never met them though, whenever your around they're always busy, but nows a chance I guess!".

They all quietly open the door, taking off their shoes in the process, it's culture I guess (I don't know much about the Japanese culture but I'm sure you'll have to take off your shoes in someone else's home)
Baji and mikey give m/n the "shush" sign, as they make way to the main room, the living room is where laughter could be heard, a girl and a boy? Also 4 teens?

Baji and mikey turn to m/n, whispering to him as to not alert the people inside of the main room.

"Okay, we'll both walk in first, and tell them we have a guest, that's when you walk in, judging by the voices, shini-nii and his friends siblings are here so be nice!".

"Shut up baji, but yea, be nice".

M/n nods his head as both Ed and mikey, turn to the door? Of the main room and they slide it open, their we see 2 children, one has short pinkish hair while the other had shorter pinkish hair, there were also 3 teens in the room, one had short fluffy, off white colored hair, another one had short white hair, and had a big build, another one looked really old, but oh well, he had his black hair slicked back with some gell and also had a big build, the last but not least, the big brother himself, Shinichiro sano, had black hair as well, it was above his ears and he seemed to be the "shini-nii" they were talking about.

"Oh! Hey baji, mikey".

M/n hear a pitched voice yell out, he assumed it was a girl, baji ran to the 2 siblings while manjiro made way to shinichiro, said man took notice and sat upright, raising a eyebrow at his little brother and ruffled his hair.

"Hey little bro, what's up?".

"Hey shini-nii, I have a guest and I brought him!".

"Oh okay, well why don't you bring him in".

Manjiro agreed and called out to the so called "guest" in name, everyone paused what they were doing when mikey yelled out "come on in!", everyone's eyes darted to the entrance, waiting for whoever will walk through that door.

"What a drag, whatever".  .  .

Said person walked inside the room, eyes sleepy as could be, glancing around the room, everyone's eyes were wide, expect for baji and mikey, they were smiling brightly, shinichiros surprised face slowly turned into happiness, he jumped from his seat and yelled.
" M/n!". . .

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