Lies. .Broken friendship

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A/N:Another one yall! Wonder what mikey gonna do😭
Anyways hope yall enjoy, and I'm so grateful for those who have been reading my posts, thank you all so much, lots of love to you guys❤️❤️, I appreciate your words and thoughtfulness, and I hope you guys enjoy!


"I-it was m/n mikey. . He broke it".

M/n stared at senju in shock and betrayal, not like he actually broke it, but why would she lie. . .you told her millions of times, to put the damn thing back. . .but she didn't listen and now it's broken.
Mikey slowly turned his head to m/ns way, staring into his eyes with confusion, why didn't you listen to him?

"M/n, did you break my toy?"..

M/n wanted to tell mikey the truth, what had happened, but he took one look at senjus face. . .she was terrified, she had tears threatening to fall down, your eyes wide like saucers, she must have figured her mistake, she lied, and she had only met m/n today. . .

Mikey slowly walked towards the now damaged toy, he picks up the pieces, the tip of it being sharp. . .mikey turned to m/n slowly, eyes avoiding any emotion at all, m/n slowly stood up, staring at mikey as well.

"Well? Did you".

M/n took a deep breath in and nodded his head. . .he took the blame? Senju stared at m/n with shock, she had thought m/n would've snitched and told on her but he didn't, he took the blame for her. . .
Mikeys eyes widened with anger, baji and haruchiyo had made it back in time to see the broken plane and a crying senju on the floor, also a scared m/n.

"I thought I told everyone. . .to not touch it!".

Mikey had yelled at m/n with anger in his eyes, m/n took a step back and wavered a little, it was senju. . .but he took the blame..why? Before anyone could react to anything mikey had already picked up the sharp tip of the plane and lunged forward towards m/n out of anger, a THUD was heard and some squelched sounds were heard. . .silence. . .and then.


Everyone stared in horror, senju was bawling her eyes out, baji was terrified and haruchiyo. . .he was scared..
Shinichiro and takeomi heard screams of pain and ran to the backyard, but it was to late, mikey was standing over someone, blood on his hands with wide eyes and is breathing heavily, shinichiros eyes glanced over the children, 4 but wasn't there 5? Where's m/n. . .m/ns face had a scar, a really deep one, it went from his temple down to his bottom ear. . .blood was rushing out of it. .


shinichiro rushed to m/ns aid while mikey stood there, he looked shocked and confused, he saw his airplane broken, but he was holding it. . .and m/n was bleeding, did he do that, did he make m/m bleed?


Mikey was to stunned to speak, while Takeomi was comforting his siblings and baji, m/n was still screaming in pain, it hurt like shit, it bloody hurt. . .why did he get hurt, why not senju? M/n had passed out due to bloodloss and shinichiro was panicking, he picked up m/n and rushed him to the spare bedroom, Emma watched everything and was shocked, she was crying while rushing with shinichiro to another bedroom, he told Emma to grab things for the wound while takeomi and his siblings stand near the doorway, baji is there but is still in shock, mikey stands there to, but he's crying as well, he didn't mean to. . .he really didn't mean to.

"I didn't mean to..i-i didnt".

Baji over heard him and turned around, immediately hugging his friend, he told him everything would be alright, but still cursed himself for being late, he decided comforting mikey first then asking questions would be better.



. . .My head hurts like hell, what the fuck happened. . .wait I think im waking up. .Damn why is it so bright for? that Emma?

"Ahh! He's awake, m/n, m/n!? Are you okay".

"Emma quiet down will you, he's probably having a migrane, hey buddy, you alright?".

It's shinichiro and Emma, huh, what the hell happened, my temple hurts, and I feel a stinging pain near my ear. . .

"M/n, hey buddy you alright? Need a cup of water? Anything?".

I sit up and shake my head, I place a hand to my head and immediately grimace, why did it hurt like hell, I was about to stand up before shinichiro pulled me back down, giving me a worried stare.

"M/n I think it's best if you sit still would you? You got a pretty nasty scar. . .hey, mind telling me what happened out there?".

". . .Oh yeah. . .about that".

A/N: please leave your opinions on this, I feel like I didn't do a good job😭 especially the screaming part, it feels weird to me💀
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and won't get mad at me for changing the part, please don't😭 anyways have a great night/morning!

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