Dont touch! damaged toy. .

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A/N: Another chapter😃👍 hope yall enjoy, some angst gonna happen so be prepared, anyways let's get started.

Nobody's pov: Here we see haruchiyo, baji, mikey and last but not least, m/n, they were all in the garden, running around and playing rock paper scissors, play wrestling and just having fun, but there was one child missing, senju, where was she you may ask? Well, she was wandering around the sano household, looking for the toy airplane mikey had specifically told everyone that it was his and that no one should ever lay a hand on it.


"Alright listen up! No one and I mean No one is allowed to touch my limited edition airplane! If you do there will be consequences!".

"Wow surprised you even know what the word consequence means mikey pfft-".

"Shut it baji!".

End of flashback.

But little miss senju had other plans, in which she decided that threat wasn't such a treat after all and guessed he was joking about the whole ideal, but her actions will have consequences. . .but she didn't know what will come.

"Hey? Is anyone thirsty, I'll grab you guys a couple of sodas from the fridge?".

Everyone agreed and asked mikey to grab their specific drink, baji and haruchiyo went somewhere inside the house, probably to catch up and stuff, while m/n sat down nearby a tree in the sano household backyard, he waited for mikey, baji and haruchiyo to come back, but then he heard footsteps, guessing it was one of the boys he stood back up, but it was actually senju. . .and she has mikeys airplane?, but mikey said not to touch it..

"Hey senju! What are you doing?".

M/n walks up to senju while the girl has a bright smile on her face, showing the airplane to m/n, grinning.

"Look look m/n-nii! I have the airplane, it's so cool!".

"Wow but uhm, you should put it back before manjiro shows up, yknow he said no one should touch it right?".

Good job m/n, telling her to put it back, maybe she'll listen?

"Nahh, he was joking, I'm sure he was!".

No, no, she was supposed listen, this is bad, very bad.

"No I'm sure he wasn't joking, he was pretty serious yknow, maybe you should put it back where you found it?".

Yes, keep on telling her, maybe after many tries she might listen?
"Hmm. . . .nah! Hehe".

Nope, never mind, she's dead.
She then runs around the backyard, almost tripping here and there, every time she almost did, you panicked, mikey looked really serious when he said no one was allowed to touch his airplane, ya hear that senju, HIS AIRPLANE, not yours.

Senju had ran off somewhere else, and damn that girl was fast, she had outrun you many times when you were trying to chase her, shinichiro and takeomi thought you guys were just playing, but you were actually trying to help her not get her ass beat but the damn little girl was persistent. (And slightly annoying😒)

"Hah, hah, okay I think you should actually put it back now".
Where the hell is mikey, he's taking forever to actually grab bloody drinks, and where is baji and haruchiyo? AND WHY ARENT SHINICHIRO AND TAKEOMI DOING ANYTHING?! man I swear their blind.

"No its fine! Mikeys not back yet- Ahh!".

That was it, she had tripped and fell, and down came the airplane as well, it had broken into pieces and it looked. . .pretty damaged, maybe mikey will forgive her?. . .

"Ahh! I broke it, what do I do?!".

As soon as she had fell and Backed away from it, low and behold, mikey had showed up and was standing near the doorway, shocked and confused, mostly angry, he saw 2 people there, m/n and senju. . .m/n wouldn't do that right?...right.
"Who...broke it. . .Who broke my toy airplane?"..

Senju trembled with fear, looking up at mikey with tears in her eyes, she now knew that he was actually serious, and that he wasn't playing, she glanced back at m/n and without thinking to herself she pointed to m/n and closed her eyes and said..

"I-it was m/n, he broke your airplane"...

". . .excuse me?".

A/N: bet yall didn't expect that to happen😃 and its a joke, senju is not annoying, might upload another one later on today, anyways, hope you enjoyed👍

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