ch. 21 rewritten

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Master Wu turned away from the departing police officers, his gaze now focused on the group of exhausted ninja huddled around Kai. Despite the relief that his student was safe, a shadow of concern crossed Wu's face as he observed the toll the battle had taken on Kai.

Frowning, Wu acknowledged the visible signs of exhaustion and pain etched on Kai's face. It was evident that his recovery would be a gradual process. However, Master Wu understood the importance of projecting strength for the sake of his other students.

While a sense of relief washed over him, Wu knew that Kai's journey to full recovery would be a challenging one. He contemplated how to address the situation with the rest of the team, recognizing the need to provide reassurance and a semblance of normalcy in the aftermath of the intense confrontation.

With a measured expression, Master Wu approached the group, his demeanor calm yet authoritative. As he joined the circle of ninja, he conveyed a sense of strength and solidarity. There would be time for healing, but for now, the focus was on unity and the collective strength that had brought them through the ordeal.

Master Wu's hand rested reassuringly on Kai's shoulder, the touch a silent acknowledgment of the toll the recent events had taken on his fiery student. Kai, worn and weary, met Wu's gaze with a tired expression, finding solace in the soft smile that graced the sensei's face.

With a voice that carried both authority and understanding, Master Wu addressed the group, "It's time to go home and rest. We have faced a formidable challenge today, and the journey to recovery begins now."

As the ninja started to rise and prepare to leave, Master Wu lingered a moment longer with Kai. Hugging him slightly, he whispered words of comfort in his ear, ensuring that only Kai could hear, "I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, no matter the time of day."

The soft reassurance conveyed not only Master Wu's commitment to his students' well-being but also an understanding that healing went beyond physical recovery. The bond between sensei and student held a depth that extended beyond the battlefield, acknowledging the importance of mental and emotional support in the face of challenges.

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