ch.18 (rewritten)

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Lloyd's eyes hardened with determination as he declared, "We can't let them complete the Iron Doom. Our world's fate rests on our shoulders."

Pixel, the digital ally, chimed in, her holographic form flickering with urgency. "Calling in the other elemental masters for backup, as Skylar suggested, could be our best chance. Together, we might have the strength to infiltrate the Time Twins' base and rescue the captured elemental masters."

Jay crossed his arms and frowned, his mind racing through the possibilities. "But sneaking in without the Time Twins noticing? And those shock collars... How do we free the captured elemental masters without hurting them?"

Nya leaned against a console, her eyes fixed on the holographic map displaying the Time Twins' base. "We've faced tough challenges before. We need a plan, something that takes advantage of their weaknesses."

Zane interjected with a suggestion. "Perhaps we can use the time element against them. Create a diversion in one era while infiltrating in another. It could confuse their control over time."

Cole nodded in agreement. "We've got to exploit their blind spots. But we need more intel on their base layout, especially the location of the captured elemental masters."

Master Wu, observing the intense discussion, offered his guidance. "Remember, patience is a ninja's greatest weapon. Plan meticulously, and when the time is right, act decisively."

As the ninja continued to strategize, Lloyd's gaze drifted towards the empty space where Kai used to stand. The absence of his fiery presence fueled the determination to rescue their captured comrades.

In the heart of their fortress, Krux and Acronix stood before the captive elemental masters, their expressions twisted with satisfaction as they observed the diligent toil of their enslaved prisoners. The hum of machinery and the crackle of elemental powers filled the air, creating an unsettling symphony.

Krux, a sly grin playing on his lips, addressed the captive masters, "Marvelous work, dear elemental masters. Your skills are truly unparalleled. Little do you know, you're crafting the very instrument that will reshape Ninjago."

Acronix, his gaze fixed on the evolving Doomsday Device, chimed in with a backhanded compliment, "Efficient and precise. In just a couple more days, your efforts will bring this masterpiece to completion. Your speed exceeds our expectations."

Griffin, one of the captive elemental masters, couldn't hold back a scoff. "Masterpiece? More like a disaster waiting to happen. You're delusional if you think we're willingly helping you."

Kai, his fiery spirit undiminished, added with defiance, "You won't break us, Time Twins. We'll find a way to stop this madness, mark my words."

Krux, his patience wearing thin, snapped at the defiant captives, "Silence! Your feeble resistance means nothing. You're powerless against the might of time itself."

Neuro, another captive master, couldn't resist a retort, "Your cause is built on tyranny and chaos. We won't let you succeed, no matter how many contraptions you force us to build."

Acronix, casting a disdainful glance at Kai and Neuro, continued, "Your craftsmanship will be the catalyst for the destruction you unwittingly seek to prevent. A cruel irony, wouldn't you agree?"

Kai, undeterred, shot back, "The only destruction we're preventing is the one you and your brother are trying to unleash on Ninjago. We won't let this madness consume our home."

Griffin, his tone dripping with defiance, added, "You might have control over time, but you can't control our will to resist. We won't be pawns in your twisted game."

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