An Unfortunate Encounter

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Marlene and I had organised a date, we were going out for coffee, and I was very excited, although I hated coffee. Hopefully, they'd have hot chocolate, I could drink that. I was wearing a floral dress, and I'd put on some makeup, as well as curling my hair. I went to the living room, where Caesar was sitting.

“Well, I'm ready,” I said and he turned and looked at me.

“Oh my, you look wonderful,” Caesar said.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“I'll drive you there and pick you up.”

“Thanks, that would be great.”

Caesar didn't have to give me a lift, since my car could drive itself, like the majority of cars. I went out and got into the car with Caesar, and he started driving to the destination.

“Are you excited for your date?”

“Yep, I'm also a bit nervous,” I replied.

“You have nothing to worry about, you're amazing. If Marlene can't see that, then it's her loss.”

“Aww, thank you.” I smiled.

“But, I'm sure it'll be fine.”

“Yeah, it probably will be.”

“I'll stay in the area in case there are any issues,” Caesar said.

“Uh, like what?” I frowned.

“Well, it could be as minor as you not enjoying the date, or something more serious, like a crazy shooter.”

“That's a good idea, but I'm really hoping nothing bad will happen. Though, we're in America, and I hear about horrible things happening all the time.” I sighed.

It was awful hearing about shootings so often, or robots killing people, even hearing about people being mugged was scary. There were crimes at home in England, but it was extremely rare to hear about someone being shot, since only the police were allowed guns. Robots also very rarely killed people. I'd definitely feel safer if I was still in Cambridge, but having Caesar around was worth the stress.

“Sorry, I shouldn't be making you worry before your date,” Caesar said.

“It's alright, I'm glad you'll be near in case anything happens.”

“I'll make sure I'm in a place where I can see you, but I won't be in the building. I wouldn't want to distract you or anything.”

“Great, you're like my bodyguard.” I giggled.

“I am like one, your safety is one of my priorities.”

“What are your other priorities?

“Your happiness, staying alive and my own happiness,” he replied.

“Those seem like good priorities, I'd say mine are pretty much the same.”

“Are there any that you'd add?”

“Family, friends, fun and love.”

“Those are great additions.” Caesar smiled.

He parked the car, and there were a lot of buildings around us. “Have fun.”

“Thanks, I'll see you later,” I replied, then got out of the car.

Thankfully, Caesar had parked near the coffee shop, so I wasn't lost looking for it, and I didn't have to walk far. It seemed a lot harder to get a parking space in LA, probably because it was a big city. It also took much longer to get from one place to the next because of all the traffic — it sometimes took me an hour or longer to get to work.

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