"ugh just, fuck off will ya?"

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The moon loomed full and ominous over the Salvatore School, casting an eerie glow across the campus. The echoes of recent tumult lingered in the air, leaving an unsettling feeling among the students and faculty.

Josie stood near the edge of the courtyard, her gaze fixed on the moonlit horizon, contemplating the revelations of the past few days. Shadows danced around her, hinting at the chaos that had unfolded - memories restored, secrets unearthed, and newfound emotions lingering in the air.

Hope joined her, sensing the unease that enveloped her girlfriend friend. "Josie, something doesn't feel right tonight," Hope remarked, her keen senses on high alert.

Josie's brow furrowed. "I've been feeling it too. Like an impending storm brewing in the distance."

As if in response to their foreboding thoughts, an otherworldly shriek pierced the tranquility of the night. A gust of wind rushed through the courtyard, unsettling the leaves and rustling the trees.

Hope's instincts immediately kicked in. "That's not just a regular storm. Something's coming."

A flicker of movement caught their attention. In the distance, a figure emerged from the shadows, its avian silhouette distinct against the moonlit sky.

A tengu, with wings spread wide and eyes glinting with an otherworldly intelligence, landed gracefully at the edge of the courtyard. Its presence exuded a blend of mystique and danger, signaling impending chaos.

Josie and Hope exchanged a knowing glance, their resolve firm. They knew that the tranquility they once hoped for was about to be shattered by the fury of the mystical creature before th

Josie's eyes widened as she reached Hope's side, her fingers tracing the intricate tattoo script etched beneath Hope's collarbone. The magical bond that connected them pulsed with an inexplicable energy, a reminder of their unbreakable connection.

"Hope, are you okay?" Josie's voice trembled with concern as she helped her soulmate to her feet.

Hope winced slightly, shaking off the impact. "I'm fine. We need to focus on the Tengu."

The Tengu, sensing their momentary distraction, launched into a renewed assault. Its wings beat forcefully, conjuring gusts of wind that sent debris flying through the air.

Together, Josie and Hope stood back-to-back, the tattoos beneath their collarbones glowing faintly, a symbol of their unwavering bond. Josie channeled her magic once more, creating a protective barrier around them, while Hope strategized their next move.

As the Tengu's attacks intensified, their bond seemed to fortify their resolve. Josie's spells intertwined with Hope's swift movements, creating a harmonious defense against the relentless creature.

But the Tengu, cunning and relentless, exploited a momentary opening. A gust of wind knocked Josie off balance, causing her to stumble backward.

"Josie!" Hope called out, her heart racing as she watched her soulmate falter.

In an instant, the Tengu aimed a powerful strike directly at Josie, threatening to break through her defenses. Hope's instincts surged as she leaped in front of Josie, deflecting the blow with a calculated move, absorbing the impact herself.

Pain surged through Hope as she felt the force of the Tengu's attack, but her primary concern was protecting Josie. She staggered back, clutching her side, as Josie rushed to her aid, desperation in her eyes. "Motherfucker!" Josie got up yelled. "Youre gonna fucking pay for that" Josie said and looked straith at the Tengu with a death stare. "Oh you better flap away birdie. Shes angry" Hope said and grunted in pain. "Hope, dear just rest ok. I got this. MOTUS!" Josie casted and the tengu fell backwards. Hope managed a weak smile as Josie's protective spell took effect. The Tengu, caught off guard by the sudden force, stumbled backward. Despite the pain coursing through her, Hope could see the determination in Josie's eyes.

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