Chapter 18

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Eda walked into Art Life, mind empty she didn't knew what to feel. Her heart ached at their previous conversation. She knew Serkan's intentions now, he wanted nothing else than Kiraz's happiness, and even if that hurt, it conforted her motherly heart so much, he was a good father.

Despite what may happen between them, maybe they were just not meant to be ? But Kiraz will have a loving Baba, and was healthy, that alone was almost enough to bring Eda solace.

She sat by her usual desk, when Leyla came. "Eda, Serkan Bey is calling for you inside, there's a board meeting."

Eda frowned slightly. "I don't go to board meetings." She let out.

"He is calling for you, lütfen." Leyla requested and Eda rose and followed Leyla inside the conference room.

"Ah Eda, guzel. We were waiting for you." Serkan said inviting her to sit. Eda sat by his side, opposite Engin and Pyril.

"Noldu ?" She asked confused.

"You're inviting everyone you sleep with to board meetings now Serkan ? See, I told you Engin." Pyril smirked and Engin held his face, he couldn't even apologies enough to Eda and Serkan, Pyril kept embarassing him.

"I am inviting any employee you drug against their will or knowledge to board meetings Pyril." Serkan snapped and Eda gasped.

"Ne ?" She turned to him.

Serkan turned his laptop toward all of them, and played the CCTV camera footage.

Pyril looked down shutting her eyes, damn, not only had her plan not at all worked out, with Eda managing to please the client anyway, but on top of it, she had been caught.

"Aspirine, this was aspirine, Leyla asked me to - "

"Leyla didn't ask you anything! I've got her detailed recollection of yesterday evening on paper, as witness." Serkan cut her.

"I can't believe you did something so low." Eda stared at Pyril with fury.

"What did you think, that you could always get away with your mediocre work ?" Pyrin couldn't help but snap back.

"I don't give a damn about work. I showed up intoxicated home and fought with Serkan and my daughter witnessed it, this is all because of you!" Eda sighed, shaking her head.

She still hadn't digested this morning. If Kiraz had seen them, she must think so low of her. To the point to tell her she should move out ? When Kiraz was intentionally doing the stupidest of things to bring she and Serkan closer for weeks, it had to have a big impact on her daughter and Eda felt like they needed to have a further conversation with her.

"Like you need me to fight with Serkan, you do it every two other mornings." Pyril spat.

"Enough Pyril, apologies to Eda right now." Engin shouted, to all their shock.

His breath was uneven, he was shaken his wife could do something like this.

"I am so sorry Serkan, Eda." He rushed to say to them.

"Applogies won't do Engin, I am sorry. I have to cease her shares and fire her for willing to sabotage Art Life's interests." Serkan announced.

"You can't fire me! Not for an employee like her!" Pyril screeched, raising from her chair.

"I could sue you right now, both professionally and personally for spiking my partner against her will." Serkan snapped at her, anger filled in his voice.

"Serkan." Eda put a hand on his, to calm him down and he looked at her, not knowing where they stood.

"She is your partner now." Pyril scoffed.

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