Chapter 11

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"Do you need to have a slit?""Yes, Bakugou," I muttered eating the breakfast he made

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"Do you need to have a slit?"
"Yes, Bakugou," I muttered eating the breakfast he made.
"Just.... remember the rules."
"Of course. Thank you again." I smiled and put my dishes away.

"I'm dropping you off today but your driver will pick you up."

We both got into the sleek black car and he drove off

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We both got into the sleek black car and he drove off.

"If I call you or text you, answer it."
"If anything happens, if you feel uncomfortable, or suspicious of anyone, call me right away."
"No boys. At all."
"Bakugou, they are not boys-"
"They are. Can't handle their fucking hormones and attack any female."
"I'm fine."
"Ok." He pulled up to my University.

"Ugh...." He scoffed at the boy's walking around.
"Bakugou." I giggled at his dramatics. 
"I'll see you later." I grabbed my bag and opened the car door.
"Oi. Kiss." He pointed to his cheek making me blush lightly. 
I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He pulled me closer and pecked my cheek and temple.
"Have a good day."
"You too." I waved and got out of the car.
I started walking into campus with a smile on my face. 

"Marinette! Where have you been? You missed two weeks of school!"
"I'm so sorry. A lot of things came up."
"Are you alright though?"
"Yes of course. Don't worry. I'll catch up on all my missed homework."
"Alright. Sit down."
I sighed happily and got ready for class.

"Well hello there Ms. Marinette." Shivers ran up my spine. And not the good one.
"Hello, Mr. Benjamin." 
"You haven't been to school for two weeks?"
"Yes sir. Some things came up. But I'm back and I'll catch up on all my homework."
"Excellent. I did miss my favourite student." He whispered closer to my face.
"I...I need to go." I muttered walking to the back of the class. 

Bakugou's POV:

"Where is he?" I asked in my earpiece

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"Where is he?" I asked in my earpiece.
"He's....turning the corner" I looked to the side to see him walking on the street. 
I stayed calm waiting for him to pass me.
Once he did I started walking behind him making him tense up.
I smirked at that.

He started jogging making me jog a bit.
And when he started running, I....ran.

I started running faster to catch up to him

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I started running faster to catch up to him.
He threw stuff in my way making me jump over them. 

"Get the fuck away from me!" He shouted.
"You get the fuck back here!" 
I grabbed my gun and shot his leg making him trip and groan.
I got to him and stopped, panting lightly. 
"C'mere." I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him to an alleyway. 
"You are going to answer all of my questions," I smirked making fear cross his eyes.

Marinette's POV:

I was in my design class, working on trying to find a new model. 
"Adri-" I gasped feeling his arms around my body tightly.
"Where were you?! You just disappeared just like that!"
" some stuff came up."
"What kind of stuff? Why couldn't you just text us!"
"What the heck?" He grabbed my hand and looked at my wedding ring.
"Are you married?"
"Um... see...I had a lover so he and I left to get married and yea. We spent some time together and then I came back to school."
"Oh... why didn't you tell me about this lover?"
"I just...he wanted this whole thing to be a secret because he's a very popular person so, y'know Paparazzi."
"Oh..." He hummed.
"Well...let's continue our project."
"Oh um..." Whatever...Bakugou won't even know.
"Sure." I smiled and we continued where we were.

Bakugou's POV:

"Yes yes! In 3 weeks! He's going to take his set and send them off to Hong Kong!"
"I see..."
"They'll be going by boat! Bossman will be on it as well! There will be tons of boats though but one boat will have all the girls and the boss man! That's all I know! I swear!"
"Thank god-"
I grabbed a cloth from my pocket and wiped the blood off my face. 
"Clean up," I said into my earpiece.

I walked out of the alleyway seeing my clean-up truck coming this way.
I walked past their truck and walked to my bike. 

I rode home excited to see my baby. 
The moment I parked I noticed her driver back.
"Fuck yes!" I muttered excited.
I ran inside the house.
"In my room!" I heard her shout back making me jump ready to see her.
I ran up the steps and barged into her room.

"Hey, Bak-" I hugged her so tightly making her giggle.
"I missed you so fucking much," I muttered into her hair.
"I was just gone for a few hours." She giggled.
"But still." I hugged her even tighter feeling her trying to push me away.
"Ok Bakugou. Let me go." Her voice was muffled by my shirt.
"Fine, let's go eat something while you tell me about your morning."

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