Chapter 24

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A Few Weeks Later:

"Mmm~ Fuck~" Katsu moaned while holding onto my hips.
"God I love your lips on my neck~" Katsu threw his head back giving me more space. 
I sucked on a certain spot making his hips jerk which made me moan feeling his hardness. 
"Don." Someone knocked on the door.
"What?!" He shouted out while I stopped.
"Someone is here to see you for the final plans."
"Alright, let them in. Blue, you got to-"
"Nope." I slid off his lap and hid underneath his table, looking up at him innocently.
"Fuck~" He rubbed his face with his hand when the door got pushed open. 

"Good afternoon Don."
"Afternoon, let's get to business." He looked so sexy talking like that. 
"Alright, so here is the...." While they continued talking, I slowly opened up Katsuki's belt making his breath hitch. 
I pulled down his pants a bit and lightly grazed his dick with my fingers. 
I froze when someone dropped a file right in front of me.
"Oh so sorry sir, let me get that." She was about to bend down.
"Stop, just go," Katsuki said grumpily.
I put my hand out to grab the file with papers scattered around when Katsuki bent down and leaned to kiss me.

My eye caught a picture in the corner of my eye.
Katsuki missed the kiss when I turned around to pick the paper up. 

Adrien Agreste
Mafia of England
Mafia is good at manipulating and giving people what they want. Agreste's father is the Don. 
Eliminate, Agreste.

"....." I stared at the paper in horror.
I glared at Katsuki and he looked away sheepishly.
"What the fuck!?" I stood up making people gasp.
"No, what the fuck is this?! Adrien is in the mafia!? For how long?! Is that why you didn't want me to hang with him!?"
"Marinette, calm down.-"
"You shut up!" I glared and stormed out.

Katsuki's POV:

"Mari-Fuck!" I quickly buckled up my pants and ran after her.
"Marinette, listen to me!"
"No! He was my best friend, my only friend! And he's in the fucking mafia! And look!" She showed me the file where it says about the attacks they did.
"He was the one who attacked us on your bike! Why didn't you tell me any of this!? I feel betrayed! And angry!"
"I know but-"
"And you lied to me! Why couldn't you tell me!?"
"Because, Marinette, I don't have to FUCKING tell you every damn thing of my life!"
"This has something to do with my life!"
"Well if you can't handle my life then you should just fucking go, damnit!" fuck fuck fuck.

"......FUCK YOU!" She slapped my face.
"I was forced here! I never wanted this! You fucking kidnapped me and forced me to fucking marry you!  And now that I finally accepted you, you had to go and fuck it up by lying to me and saying that shit!" And stormed off.
I heard the front door open and slam shut.
"......" I stared at the floor feeling my cheek stinging.
"Fuck..." I clenched my fist.
I sighed and walked back to my office.

"Sorry about that. Let's continue." I muttered.
"Well, the mafia of England wants to have a meeting with you."
"We don't know."
"OK, fine." I sighed and rubbed my face.
"I'll make a meeting with my men first."
"Got it."
"Good. Now leave."

Once they left, I knocked everything off my table in anger. 
I kicked my chair and grabbed the vase throwing it at the wall.
I grabbed the shelf and pushed it down. I grabbed the frame on the wall and threw it somewhere.
I pushed my table over grabbed some books and threw them at the window.
"Don!? What the fuck?" Oliver looked around.
"What the heck happened? Where's Donna?"
"....." I was panting hard looking around the room. 
"What happened Don?"
"She left..."
"Who? Donna? Yea, the guards told me she left. Why?"
"I...yelled at her. We argued. Fuck." I pulled at my hair.
"Then go get her back!"
"No...I don't need to. She'll come back." I huffed.
"Get someone to clean this room up," I ordered and walked out of the room.
"Yes, Don..." I heard him mutter. 

Marinette's POV:

"I hate him.."
"Oh dear." Mrs. Rose hugged me. 
I ended up going back to my apartment after the fight and visited Mrs. Rose. 
"He's not worth it dear."
"But I love him so much," I whispered. 
"Love is a very terrifying thing, my dear. But it looks like you love him. Maybe take a few days of break away from him. I'll take care of you and then go back with a better mindset. OK, deary? Listen, always fight for your fairy tale." She kissed me on the cheek and gave me some cookies.
"Thank you, Mrs. Rose." I snuggled into her motherly hug and smiled. 

"I heard what happened."
"What? You're going to tell me I'm stupid?"
"Never Mare-bear." I rolled my eyes jokingly and continued making dinner.
"Dinner's almost ready."

"Thanks." Zuku smiled when I put a plate of Caesar salad with sliced chicken on top. 
"Looks delicious." He smiled and started eating once I sat down.
We ate in silence.
"Ok, can you tell me what happened?" He finally asked.
"I found out Adrien is in the mafia and that his mafia attacked us one day. I yelled at Katsuki, asking why didn't he tell me. He yelled saying he doesn't have to tell me anything and if I can't handle his life why'd I come? And I was like bitch you forced me here." I scoffed while taking a sip of my soda.
Zuku sighed and rubbed his face. 
"Fuck.." He groaned.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, just, don't cave in. I already know he's not going to do anything until you go to him. Just...stay here for a while. I'll come and check on you whenever I can."
"Alright." I smiled.

"So what's up with the mafia now?"
"We have to go meet Adrien's dad for a meeting. He called for one, so we'll see what he wants."
"Alright, be careful though."
"Will you be still going to school?"
"I don't think I want to go right now." I sighed and lay down.
"Alright, I'll be going now. Get some rest, Mare-Bear."
"Good night!" I called out and heard the front door open and shut. 

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