Chapter 14

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"I'm going!" I yelled out by the front door.
"Hold it."
"Oliver will be going with you from now on."
"What?" I looked to the side to see Oliver in normal clothing.
"He'll be going to school with you. Don't worry. I handled everything, he's in all of your classes too."
"But why?"
"Because. You need extra protection. End of topic."
"....Fine." I sighed.
"Good girl." He muttered while kissing my forehead gently.
"Now go on. Here's your lunch by the way."
"Thank you." I smiled and walked out the door with Oliver behind me. 

"You don't have to come to my classes with me y'know?"
"No, it's fine. Don said too." I sighed and sat down in the car. 

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"I never thought I'd see you without your guns and black outfits

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"I never thought I'd see you without your guns and black outfits."
"Ha ha ha very funny. I can dress casually when I want to." He chuckled. 

"OK, just don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone about me. Don't tell them about Bakugou. Nothing. I don't even have friends here so yeah."
"Got it." 
"Alright, I have-"
"Ms Marinette!" I froze making Oliver tense up.
"Oh hi, Mr. Benj-" He hugged me making me freeze.
"Oh, your homework was beautiful! I love how your mind sees stuff!"
"Oi back up." Oliver pushed him back a bit.
"Oh, who's this?" He glared at Oliver.
"A friend of hers."
"I see. I haven't seen you around the University."
"I'm new here."
"Ahh, I see. Well, I hope Marinette helps you around. She is the best student here." He smiled creepily at me."
"....Sure," Oliver muttered and pushed me to walk forward while he walked behind me. 
"Fucking creep." He muttered angrily.

So I got through my first few classes and now it was time for Mr. Benjamin's class, which I was dreading. 
"Why the fuck is everyone staring?" Oliver muttered while glaring at everyone.
"It's not every day where a huge guy with a scary glare follows me."
"Fucking nosy." He grunted when someone bumped into him.
"Watch it-I'm so sorry!" The guy sputtered when he saw who he bumped into.
"What? You were going to say-"
"Oliver! Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him before he got into a fight.
"Whatever." He scoffed and followed me.

"OK class, today..."
"Ugh this fucking creep," Oliver muttered.
"Oli." I slapped his arm lightly. 
"Ms. Marinette. Please refrain from talking in my class."
"Sorry sir."
"And Oliver. I get that you're new but please. This is my class."
"Alright, I'll stop talking. But you got to stop being a fucking creep and stop staring at Marinette."
"Oliver!" I gasped.
"You...." Mr. Benjamin glared and turned red.
"I'm so sorry, sir."
"Don't fucking apologize. He's a fucking creep."
"You. Office now."
"Fine, I'll be taking Marinette too."
"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the classroom leaving a very angry professor behind. 

"Oliver! You can't just do that!"
"Marinette, you need to FUCKING understand that he's a fucking creep! How long has this been going on for? Does Don even know this!?"
"....." I stared up at him with wide teary eyes and trembling lips. 
"I...fuck, Mari-" I walked off and ran into the girl's bathroom.
"Marinette! Please!"
"Leave me alone." I whimpered sliding down the wall and sitting down on the floor.

No one knows what I went through with Mr. Benjamin. He has power. He could tell anyone anything and they'd believe him. Not a small student. He could make me fail. He could make me not be able to study anywhere. And I know once Bakugou finds out, he won't let me come back to school. 

ring ring

"Oh no.." I groaned and answered my phone.
"Why the fuck are you crying? Why did Oliver have to tell me that you're crying? Should I come to pick you up? Did he do something? Answer me!" I sniffled.
"I'm fine...he just...I'm fine." I sighed.
"No, the fuck you're not. Tell me what's wrong or I'll come pick you up."
"Fine. I'm coming."
"No-" And he cut the call.
I sighed and sat put.

Bakugou's POV:
"Where the fuck are you?"
"In the west wing Don. Girl's bathroom."
"Alright." I cut the call with Oliver and entered the school.
"Excuse me, sir. You can't just enter-"
"I'm here to pick up my wife." I glared at the secretary.
"Who's this wife of yours?" She asked twirling a piece of her hair.
I scoffed.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She didn't change her last name here. I know where she is."
"What's her excuse for leaving early."
"Listen here," I muttered quietly and bent down closer to her face.
"I'm going to pick up my wife and leave with her and you aren't going to say shit. Got it?"
"Y-Yes sir." She muttered and I scoffed. 

I walked off and let out the first few buttons from stress. 

I walked till I saw Oliver standing in front of the bathroom door

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I walked till I saw Oliver standing in front of the bathroom door.
"You can leave now," I muttered.
"Alright, Don." He nodded and walked off. 
I sighed and knocked on the door.
"Blue? It's me. Come on. Let's get going."
"Berry. Let's go. Don't be difficult."
"Leave me alone."
"I will open this damn door myself and I don't care about breaking the rules."
"Fine." I sighed and pushed the door open.
"What the heck!? This is the girl's bathroom!"
"So? Let's go." I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder making her shriek.
"Let go of me!"
"No." I walked towards the exit.

"I can't believe you!" She yelled at me when I sat down in the driver's seat.
"Well, I can't believe you're acting like a baby."
"I just want you to leave me alone."
"Well, we both know I can't do that. I'm obsessed with you."
"Whatever." She scoffed.

"What?" She looked at me to see a bag of food.
"Eat up." I gave her the bag of a burger and fries, including her favourite drink and dessert.
"Thank you." She muttered and took a huge bite out of the burger.
I love a girl who eats. I chuckled.
I continued driving around.
"Here." She put the burger in front of my face.
"Sorry, I ate from there. Let me-" Before she could turn the burger around I took a bite out of her bitten area. 
I chewed while looking at her blushing face.
"Shut up."
"What? I wasn't going to say anything." I chuckled.
"Whatever." She shoved her drink to me and I took a sip.
"You're adorable."
"Yes," I smirked and kissed her cheek making her red.
"Fucking adorable," I muttered. 

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