Chapter 1

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At the Red Carpet hotel, three little rats were in the kitchen eating the cheese.

These rats wore black tuxedos with bowties. Two white and one brown, they talked like jazz singers.

"Hey, this is one cuckoo chunk of cheese" said Blue Eyes, the white rat in a fedora with a blue stripe.

"Hey man. You said a mouthful" said Sammy, the brown rat with glasses.

"Anyone else feelin' thirsty?" said Deano, the other white rat.

But then, the hotel's chef, Maurice found them and flipped out. "Sacre bleu! Rats! Rats!" 

He chased them around the kitchen, and trapped Deano in a metal pot. "Je t'ai eu!"

"Deano!" Blue Eyes and Sammy gasped.

Maurice was about to throw Deano on the stove, but Sammy bit his butt and made him throw the pot away.

Deano was safe, but Maurice was still angry. 

"You good, man?" said Sammy.

"Yeah, I'm fine, rats. Let's get outta here" said Deano.

The rats escaped the kitchen into the hotel's lounge. 

"That was wild" said Sammy.

"Nutso, man. Nutso" Deano agreed.

"Are hotels always like this? We ain't seen angry chefs in Vegas" said Blue Eyes.

"But while we're in New York, we oughtta focus on finding a good band to dance to" said Sammy.

"Don't fret, you crazy rats. I think we found our band in here" said Blue Eyes.

He was pointing to the hotel's paid performers, Nigel and Patrick, who were on the stage singing one of their original songs.

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 15- "Everybody Wants to Be a Rat"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora