Chapter 4

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Nigel and Patrick took the rats to Nigel's apartment where they could have some cheese and discuss how to stay in New York to continue their work.

"You could stay in the hotel, but you'd have to be more inconspicuous" said Patrick.

"Yes. If you perform, guests will know you're there and chase you away" said Nigel.

"But we're the Rat Pack" said Blue Eyes.

"Show business is our life, man" said Sammy. 

"And we were wondering if you fellas would back us up at least once" finished Deano.

"You want us to back you up on a song?" said Nigel.

"Yeah. You two got a big heap of style" said Deano.

"And your kind of music seems to go with ours. Ya dig?" said Blue Eyes. 

"I s'pose" said Patrick.

"Thank you for the compliment, but we still have to worry about people seeing you three" said Nigel.

"I don't understand why humans disregard rats so greatly" said Patrick.

"Me neither, Pat-man. We rats always see ourselves as equal to man" said Sammy.

"But why don't we?" said Nigel.

"No one really knows, kiddo. But it'd be a better world if we got along" said Deano.

"Nigel and I get along with you three. Much better than I thought, I might add" said Patrick.

"How you gonna get us into that hotel without DeFatso catching us?" said Blue Eyes. 

"Gettin you there might not be a problem. It's the performance we have to focus on" said Nigel.

"In the meantime, I'mma thank you for focusing on it, Brit boys. No human's ever been this friendly to rats before" said Blue Eyes.

"It's our pleasure" said Nigel.

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 15- "Everybody Wants to Be a Rat"Where stories live. Discover now