Chapter 6

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"So you'll let them sing, Mrs Sevaroff?" said Patrick. 

"With the greatest of pleasure" said Mrs Sevaroff. 

"Gee. Thanks, ma'am" said Deano.

The three rats were backed up by Nigel and Patrick's guitar playing as they sang.

Every time it rains, it rains

Pennies from heaven

Don't you know each cloud contains

Pennies from heaven

You'll find your fortune's falling

All over the town

Be sure that your umbrella

Is upside down

Trade them for package of

Sunshine and flowers

If you want the things you love

You must have showers

So when you hear it thunder

Don't run under a tree

There'll be pennies from heaven 

For you and me

Mr DeFranko came upstairs and went to the bar.

"Paris, hit me with a screaming eagle" he said.

"With pleasure" said Paris.

"The music is sounding a lot jazzier than usual" said Mr DeFranko.

"What do you mean?" said Paris.

"Well, it's just that Nigel and Patrick are folk singers. But now I'm hearing an unusual swing in here" said Mr DeFranko.

"Maybe they're just trying something different" said Paris. 

She motioned the boys to hurry, so they had the rats wrap their song up. 

So they reprised the final verse to do just that. 

Trade them for package of

Sunshine and flowers

If you want the things you love

You must have showers

So when you hear it thunder

Don't run under a tree

There'll be pennies from heaven

For you and me

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 15- "Everybody Wants to Be a Rat"Where stories live. Discover now