Chapter 7

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After the song was finished, Mr DeFranko made his way to the stage to see Nigel and Patrick.

Paris tried to stop him, but it was too late.

He found the rats and trapped them again.

"Mr DeFranko, no!" Nigel pleaded.

"You boys let the rats back? I told you to kill them, and you let them perform with you?" said Mr DeFranko.

"They're not just rats. They're singers like us" said Patrick.

"You boys have gone mad. I can't believe you allowed rats into my hotel" said Mr DeFranko. 

"You're not sacking us" said Nigel.

"I ain't got a choice. Your age is bad enough; I don't need the health inspector after me because of you" said Mr DeFranko.

Mrs Sevaroff stood up and marched up to the man.

"Excuse me. This is not on" she said.

"This does not concern you, lady" said Mr DeFranko.

"You should know you're speaking with an attorney before you fire Nigel and Patrick" said Mrs Sevaroff.

"They let vermin into my hotel" said Mr DeFranko.

"This is only for one night. Nigel and Patrick have done so much for your guests. If you fire them, everyone will wonder why. And I expect, the last thing you want is people looking into this" said Mrs Sevaroff.

"Looking into this?" said Mr DeFranko.

"Yeah, mister. If people look into this, they'll know we were here" said Deano.

"And then they'll call the health inspector on ya" said Sammy.

"And your hotel will be closed before you can get on Nigel and Patrick's case" finished Blue Eyes.

Mr DeFranko widened his eyes, looking convinced. "Who would have thought the rats would be the smart ones?"

"There you are. So you shan't fire Nigel and Patrick for the sake of your job" said Mrs Sevaroff.

"No, I won't fire 'em. For the sake of my job, and because they're nice fellas" said Mr DeFranko. 

Then he left the British duo alone and let the rats go. 

"You saved our jobs, Mrs Sevaroff" said Patrick.

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" said Mrs Sevaroff.

"And you saved our lives, ma'am. Thanks for that" said Sammy. 

"It's my honor, dear rats. You may continue your performance" said Mrs Sevaroff. 

Nigel and Patrick continued to back the rats up as they sang.

The rats thanked the boys by singing one of their hits.

Each time I leave you, it's like a lifetime

Love is the reason why

But when I'm here to hold you

My how the time goes by

I don't remember what time the clock said

Don't even wanna try

You say it's past your bedtime

My how the time goes by

I know I'm gonna hate it leaving you

Where did the hours fly?

I really don't know what I'm gonna do

Oh my, oh my

Kiss me again girl, kiss me

And then, girl, kiss me a last good bye

Wish I could stay forever 

My how the time goes, my how the time goes

My how the time goes by

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 15- "Everybody Wants to Be a Rat"Where stories live. Discover now