Chapter 3

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No character, music, images belong to me as their rights belong to their respective authors and creators.

Issei was right, he shouldn't have thanked Renka as she put him through the ringer. Instead of being stuck with her for an hour, he was with her for the next two and half hours. Of course, a part of him didn't mind because he got to be alone with a beautiful girl. It did remind him of one of the pornos that he watched, but he shook those thoughts out of his head. He was here to veer away from that path of debauchery.

Renka had got him started on a warm of high knees, butt kickers, and jumping jacks for 20 reps. On the high knees and butt kickers, it was 20 reps for each leg. She then determined his form and had him hit the body bag a few times to assess his skill level. Of course, never having been in a fight, other than the beat down he endured, his form was horrible. She then dragged him out to the track, which made some of the others laugh, they probably thought she was going to beat him up. From what he could see Kenichi, Mizunuma, the bronze looking dude, and Shigure didn't laugh. The reason why Renka dragged him to the track was to do interval training, starting with 1 minute of sprints and then 1 minute of walking for the next 30 minutes.

She then had him focus on calisthenics, starting with push ups, 4 sets of 25 reps, then air squats, 4 sets of 20 reps. His legs were burning, along with parts of his core. He knew that he wasn't going to get ripped in one day or even one week, so he wasn't going to give up. Renka brought a bench for him to do dips on for 4 sets of 15 reps, then she had him do lunges for 4 sets of 10 reps for each leg. His arms were burning, and even if it was one of his pornos and Renka decided to bang him, he was certain that he couldn't get it up because of how tired his body was. It made him feel envious of Goku because the dude could keep going, so Issei made it a point to focus on his stamina with these HIIT workouts.

Renka also found some equipment for him to do chin ups and it made Issei worry because he wasn't sure if he could do it because of his arms. She then mocked him that he should have been using both hands to jerk off, it would have given him equal muscle mass to both arms. That hurt him, but deep down he had a feeling that her mocking him was to get him out of that perverted shell that he dug a hole in. She also was using his anger against him, she knew he didn't like to remember his perversion, even if she caught him checking her out at times. Using his anger of his perversion brought out his determination as he did the chin ups, 4 sets of 8 reps.

He was wincing in pain from the soreness and he could never move on to the next exercise, unless he completed the current one. She might have said that he shouldn't have thanked her, but he knew that she could help make him somewhat decent. As he writhed on the ground, Renka stood over him with two bottles of water.

Renka: Not bad, but you still got two more exercises and then we can take an ice bath.

Issei: Ice... ah... bath?

Renka: Uh huh, we just hop in tubs filled with ice water and ice.

Issei: What... good... does that... do? - wincing from his aching muscles.

Renka: Well, for one, it reduces muscle soreness, it also helps improve the blood flow in your body, and it's also a mental health enhancement.

Issei: How... so?

Renka: The shock of the cold water activates your sympathetic nervous system, which leads to the release of adrenaline. The rush not only stimulates you, but also leads to the release of endorphins.

Issei: Endorphins?

Renka: Yeah, they're the body's natural "feel good" hormones like after you masturbate, how do you feel?

Issei: I'd rather not talk about my masturbation - blushing as he looked away.

Renka: Hey, you're the one that was curious about them, I was just giving an example of when they get released.

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