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Cheong-ah was staying at Yi-chan's place after having a falling out with her ''parents''. Ha-neul had offered her own home, but Cheong-ah, feeling uneasy, politely declined. 

The next morning, the girl remained with them. Yi-chan's grandmother radiated kindness as the three shared laughter and threw soap at each other.

That night, as she was walking to go home, Eun-gyeol approached her with a sense of urgency. ''Hey, could you do me a favor, please?'' Ha-neul was cautious, ''Depends on the favor... What is it?''

''I'd like you to stay at home all day. Don't go anywhere, tomorrow'' said Eun-gyeol in a serious tone. Confused, Ha-neul asked, ''Why?'' I don't think I can do that. What kind of favor is this?''

''I have a complicated situation I can't explain'' he responded, a hint of concern in his voice. ''Please, it's for your own good, If everything goes well tomorrow I will explain it to you, but you will have to understand me'' he insisted

''Alright, I'll try to stay home, but you promise me that you will explain it to me, pinkie promise,'' agreed Ha-neul, extending her little finger to join the boy's before walking away.''

The next day, Ha-neul joined everyone at Yi-chan's house, where Yi-chan's grandmother had prepared a delicious meal. As Eun-gyeol entered, he glanced at Ha-neul and then told her to stay there, just like yi-chan and not go anywhere else.

Despite that, Ha-neul spent most of the day in the room with the guys. ''Lee-chan where is the demo recorded...?'' Ma-joo began to ask when him expression changed, noticing something unusual in the room. They were all listening to a song supposedly created by Yi-chan and Eun-gyeol when suddenly, Yi-chan entered and quickly turned off the music.

''I can't reveal this song,'' Yi-chan said firmly. ''It's an original song created by Lee-chan and Ha Eun-gyeol,'' he clarified, refusing to provide further details.

''Why can't you reveal it then?'' the others asked, trying to pry more information.

''I can't tell you. Don't try to find out. You might get hurt,'' Yi-chan warned seriously, though his warning fell on deaf ears.

 The group tried to take the recording, and despite Ha-neul's efforts to stop them, Ma-joo managed to leave with it.

Later, Ha-neul found herself with not choice but to leave; her parents called, insisting she return home immediately. She tried to argue, saying she'd stay a little longer, but her parents didn't agree.

She couldn't keep Eun-gyeol's promise. As she walked, she spotted Eun-gyeol and moved toward him. Before she could say anything, she noticed a car speeding toward him.

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