A Disastrous Thanksgiving

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Author speaking. I'm not even American! I'm just tryna fit in with the Thanksgiving spirit.

November 23

4:30 P.M.

- Test Tube's POV -

Everybody was in the living room. I went downstairs to make an announcement

"Everybody, get dressed. We're going to Hotel OJ."

After saying that, Bot and Via looked at me with happy expressions and both of them, in unison, gleefully asked "Are we going to see Auntie Lightbulb and Auntcle Paintbrush?"

"Yes!" I replied.

"Uhm, Test Tube, why are we going to Hotel OJ?" Fan asked me.

"Are you dumb? It's Thanksgiving." I said, irritated at Fan for forgetting things.

"Ohhh yeeeaaahhh, okay." He mockingly said, as if he doesn't care about Thanksgiving.

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a deadpan serious look. "Are you going to get dressed or not?"

"And if I don't? What are you gonna do, huh?"

I grabbed a belt.

"But I'm on a wheelchair!"

I sighed, tired of Fan's immature whining. "Okay, we're going to Dr. Fizz, but before that, we will take the kids to Hotel OJ while we go to the hospital."

At Hotel OJ

- Nobody's POV -

The kids were with their auntie Lightbulb while Paintbrush is nowhere to be seen. Either they're busy on something or they're likely to be arrested. I don't know, let's find out.

And yes, Fan and Test Tube are at the hospital.

At the Hospital

- Dr. Fizz's POV -

Here I am, at the first aid room, as usual, as I'm checking Fan.

"Alright, Fan. Four weeks has passed and let's see the results we got."

I cracked the cast on his leg and I declared "It seems that it healed nicely."

"Oh, great! Does that mean I can walk now?" The recovered Fan asked me, hoping so.

"Well, yes. Of course. Also, here's my advice, Fan. Don't be near careless people, such as your wife."

"Excuse me!?" Test Tube asked, as if she got offended by that. "Also, what's the medical bill?"

"That'll be $3,499." (American Healthcare be like)

"Ugh!" Test Tube whined as she pulled out a stack of $100 bills, containing $4,000 in overall.

"Here's your change, ma'am." I pulled out $500 but instead of giving it to her, I gave it to Fan.

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