chapter 2

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Meeting you for the first time, knowing that it's you.

The last session was over, time really flies by just like dogs chasing something. The taller Hunter, was now walking back to his dorm getting deep into his thoughts. As he entered the dorm, he saw a person laying on their king size bed they had.

The clock was 4 pm, there was really nothing to do just like usual. The only thing he does in the dorm is, sleep, eat and study. Outside the dorm he just goes to meet his friends and go to a convenience store.

He unpacked his stuff and went out again to meet up with his friends, waiting to tell them about the problem of today.

" Sumin! " Hunter called out as he entered the dorm. He saw one of his best friends, Junghoon taking brownies out.

" Hey Shanghai tower, shut your mouth. He is sleeping, I finally have my piece now after that talk active bitch finally falls asleep and YOU will not wake him up. " He said as he was gonna transform into a killing spree.
" My bad, may I try those brownies. There's no Thai dessert store around here and today is my cheat day after all those days of working out, pleaseee. " Hunter pulls out the puppy's eyes as he tries to get his way.

" You know I will still share food with you even if you DIDN'T pull out those nasty puppy eyes. " Hunter chuckles as he takes a seat and has a small part of the brownies. Enjoying the sweetness of it, now this is where he started to tell the baker about the problem.

" Man I feel you, I also had this one cute looking guy in my class but I didn't dare to approach because.. I MEAN LOOK AT ME, I'M LIKE AN MAFIA ALPHA BOSS FROM SOME HORNY BOOK. " Sumin snapped, making the other 2 scared, wondering when he joined the conversation.

At last, Hunter parted his way with his friend as he went home. Arriving at his dorm, feeling kinda nervous to meet his type of guy probably still sleeping. He opens the door and walks in.

- Where's Minjae?

He wondered as he looked. Looked into the bathroom, the kitchen but he was alone. Until he heard the door open.

" hi.. Nice to, to meet you. " The shorter stammer as Hunter just gave a cold look.
" You were the one who sat, sat next to me in the last session? "Only if he didnt stummered, then hunter ears would not turn pinkish red. " mh. " Hunter murmured coldly.
" I just came from the convenience store. Would you like to eat dinner with me? " Minjae asked shyly, wanting to know more about his roomate. Hunter just nodded, giving a sign as yes.

It's the first time that both of them eat with someone else without their friends, so it's pretty much awkward. Minjae bought bibimbap, rice, fried chicken and his favorite spinach soup. As they started eating, one of them didn't even look up or speak a bit.

" So, where are you from? I can see that you're not from Korea. " The shorter person asked without looking up because of the awkwardness as he wanted to start a conversation.

" I'm from Thailand. '' Hunter responded simply and short, Minjae eyed light ups. " Then it's lucky that i bought thai dessert for tonight since it's friday. " The taller one looked in awe. No one except his friend and his family had cared about him like this ever since decades.

Now it was time for the dessert, The shorty brought out something that called for " Thai coconut mango jelly " which only Hunter knew that he brought his CHILDHOOD'S FAVORITE DESSERT. Seeing his type in men looking with stars in his eyes, makes him get fluttered.

- What. the fuck

" It's.. really kind, kind of you for buying, buying this. Hunter said with embarrassment, not getting used to talking with others and mostly his type. He was gay, gay and only gay. He had never slept with anyone but in his teenage life, it made him realize that his fate was to be gay probably.

- Gay, gay, gay and gay

" Thanks for everything. Hunter said coldly as Minjae just nodded. It was nothing special that happened that night. Only that it was their first time knowing that Hunter is Hunter and Minjae is Minjae.

Now, here is the real deal. One king size bed, 2 roommates in one room, each other's type. How are we gonna sleep without having a wet dream?

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