Chapter 6

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" Remembering our afternoon "

As Minjae woke up from his beauty sleep, he immediately remembered their afternoon moment. His whole face was slightly red. Sitting up he smelled a delicious smell like his friend's food. But no, not his friend. Walking towards the kitchen, he saw Hunter playing on his phone. Seeing the stew beside him was probably their dinner.

Dang, you know how to cook??

Going toward the stew to take a look, it was curry.. His favorite food..

No way..

" You cooked this? " Minjae asked the stupidest question as the other just fronted and gave him a little smirk. " No, it was god that cooked it.. Yea it was me. " They both just laughed as the atmosfar became friendly for the first time, they looked at each other and they could both see the star that shines in each other's eyes. The same thought was brought to their mind:

How do you shine so brightly but I didn't notice?

Why didn't I know about you in the beginning?

After all, as they ate. They both enjoyed each other's company and talked so much that night for the first time. It felt like a memory.

" HYUNGG! "  There were 4 boys that ran towards probably the shortest person you have ever seen, it was Minjae and his other half. After greeting each other and all the hugging, they all sat down to talk and of course to eat.

" NO- WHAT- '' Yujun screamed as Hyunwoo tried to shut his loud ass mouth up, the oldest gave them most likely a night's story as his face was flushed the more he thinked about the story. " Hyung, so you just unwrapped a WHOLE NEW personality that your roommates have, sorry. Better sagt your MAN. 2 PERSONALITY. 1 HORNY AND ONE IS SUPER DUPER SWEET.. Okay.. You do have some superpower. " Seeun confessed as he saw Minjaes food starting to get cold as he once again just played with his food.

" Something like that. Yeah. Something like that. " The shortest answer with his roommate in mind. " Well I was horny at the time and was also bored, I wanted to have a little, just a little fun. But I didn't know that it would be this fun.- " " NAH- OMG TF- DOM MINJAE HYUNG?- WTF- " There were words that got thrown out from the others while Minjae just smirked. Longing to try again, getting screwed.

Well, on the other hand. Hunters group was in the same situation. Which they were pretty loud, at least beside them..

" NOOO, MY BABY HAS GROWN UP. OMG I'M SUCH A PROUD MOTHER AND I HOPE I WILL SEE YALL ADOPTED CHI- " Sumin said loudly in their corner as Yechan snaps. " S.T.F.U DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. " " AND WHAT IF I DON'T? " Yeah, they kinda started to roll on the ground while Hunter just has his roomate on his mind as Jinsik tells him. " I have this one guy in mind too, he goes to my class. And the funny thing is that he is VERY cute and that makes me hard. " .. ( im sorry ) well we could all wonder why they did NOT react to.. That.

Well it is because they had been friends for so long, it's like girls talking about d!cks and p0ssy. They had been there for each other, sad moments and happy moments. They are all tops and do NEVER had any romance feeling for each other.

" I get you, while he had a fever I started a makeout session with him while he was asleep and I don't know why but i pretty much enjoyed it since it was my first time. "  Ok. Maybe he shouldn't have told it at the moment, because Sumin and Yechan looked at Hunter from the ground as their jaws dropped. Jinsik's eyes just got bigger and mostly became like owls eyes. " Hunter, are you sure? That he's that kind of type? "  Yechan asked with curiosity as he and Sumin sat on the table again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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