Chapter 4

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" Promise? "

As Hunter came home after filing a report at the teacher, he was darn tired with his life as his energy was also gone. Walking into the dorm, he saw a soul staring. Minjaes eyes were puffy and red, staring with almost hatred in his eyes.

" What's wrong? Hunter asked worriedly, but the soul just ignored him by looking away.

Minjae was tired, angry and disappointed. He was actually proud of himself for not judging him and believed that Hunter was different. He wanted to storm out of the room the moment he heard the footsteps. His stomach hurt as his feelings were also hurted.

Trying to storm out of the room, a hand holded his arm back.

" Why are you ignoring me? " The taller asked with his usual cold voice but with a small spice of confusion. Minjae couldn't even have a look at the eyes he always wanted to stare at, trying to get away as someone turned the tables.

" Is it about the P.E session? " He knew the answer to it, he thought:

I would have not cared if you weren't you. Please listen to me.

" I just thought you were better, okay? And it just really disappoints me thinking that- " As the tears were gonna fall down on the floor, he got to know that he was now pinned to the wall, shutting his eyes.

" Ask me what really happened. " The taller making direct eye contact makes the shorter flutter, as he asked the word that was asked to be brought out. Hunter actually forgot how loud he asked. " The head teacher is my MOTHER, and that damn teacher started yelling at her when i was walking towards the sports hall and when i came i saw a slap was given to her from that teacher. How would YOU feel if someone slapped your mother? So of course I couldn't control my anger and as everything happened, you walked in. " Hunter paused as he caught his breath, Minjae felt horrible. He was just tired, his stomach hurted, he misjudged someone he believed in only for his mind to trick him. " Promise? " Minjae asked, hoping to get the answer he wanted but too bad. He passed out.

It was quiet, no sound but only that repeatedly piping in an 035 bpm speed. Opening his eyes, he saw a bright light shining at him and a head pop up in his sight.

" You're awake. " An recognizable voice said as the shorter didn't said an word but there were words in his mind.

I passed out? Probably because of stress but why is it that necessary that I'm here in the hospital if I just passed out?

Just then a nurse walked in looking around the same age as them as he saw Hunter ghost smile for the first time. Wow jealousy felt like this? Being an overthinker is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to you and sadly Minjae was one of them. There were many questions flying around his head that would love to have the answer to them.

" Hello, is it okay if I talk to mr. Kim alone?" Nodding and directly leaving is the most thing people would do so Hunter just did what the nurse wanted.

Sitting down at the place where the taller one sat, she spoke.

" Good night mr. Kim, when you passed out it was 22.00 and now it is 02.00. You want to guess who I am? " The nursed tease as Minjae tried to puzzle everything. " You are a nurse? " He said with a smile of curiosity for the unknown nurse. " I have heard many great things about, I am Hunter a.k.a your roommate's sister but also your sister in law. But let's come to the point, you have a stomach virus and you will need to drink medicine or you die. " Okay, first he fainted and then Hunter brought him to the hospital where he met his sister which is literally threathing with an matter of life or dead. Now that makes more sense, he just nodded after knowing his condition.

" Your parents are also on t- " Speaking about the devil, they heard knocks coming from the door. Barging into the room were a couple that looked almost like Minjae, which means that they are the parents. " Darling, what happened? We were really worried. " The son explained everything that happened and just as the nurse was about to leave, she remembered something. " I have a question, were you the one who donated that huge sum of money for houses that were destroyed in the water over flooding incident? "

Oh, here was someone caught. In the incident, his grandparent house was completely destroyed because of the incident but luckily they got out safely. It was really sad because that house was a memory of his, so to make him feel better he donated " some '' money for the community who works with this incident but only gave his name and nothing else, keeping him unknown. The news brought up about a person who donated that huge sum of money but no one knew who he was.

" Yeah.. That was me, I guess at the end my identity got exposed. " The nurse was shocked as the parents were proud, after a moment of silence the nurse spoke up. " Wow. Huge respect. Because the money you donated actually fixed 60 % of the problem. Again, huge respect. " Minjae was just a shy little guy ( sometimes crazy ) and has a very pure heart but is CRAZY rich.

At the end the nurse left, it was just Minjae and his parents who were left alone.

" You know, if you need anything then you can just call. We don't mind helping out. " His father gave him advice, as his mother nodded. " Hey it's fine, of course, just like I said I will call when I need help. " He has only called once for help, which was the donation part or else he just called because he missed them. He wanted to show them that he can live his life with his own support, so that they would not have to worry when the day comes.

It was now 02.00, everyone was gonna part their ways. Hugs and kisses flying there and there, compliments after compliments. Minjae was now discharged from the hospital which he planned to walk home because Hunter had probably already gone home, as he got out of the room last and alone he saw a dark figure that sat on the bench beside the room which he immediately knew who it was. " Hey, I am really sorry for misjudging the situation and I am really grateful for you bringing me to the hospital. But why are you still here? "

Because I care for you, that's why I am still here.

- Do you care about me this much after I misjudged you?

" It's fine, I will give us a ride home. " Sometimes having a driving license is much easier in life. " But can we stop somewhere so we can eat dinner? " An easy " mn " was heard from the opposite side of the car door as they entered it.

Dang, an porsche? That's crazy.

HII, IM SO SORRY FOR LONG TIME NOT POSTING. SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER WHICH MEANS THAT I CAN FINALLY WRITE MORE OFTEN INCLUDING POSTING MORE OFTEN. ANYWAYS, just because i had not posted for a while. I will give you guys some spoiler on the upcoming chapter:

In chapter 8, there will be smut ;>


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