Record 1 - The sweet victory

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Disclaimer: Disney is the owner of the movie.

Recording - Hopps 1-A

In front of the camera, appears a cute, nervous and shy bunny, trying to smile and clearing her throat.

- Hi everyone! I'm Judy Hopps and... I'm the first rabbit cop at ZPD. I'm just here... trying to start a video journal.. I don't know if someday, somebody will see this... I mean I just wait that not, because this is very... embarrassing and... oh sweet crackers with cheese... I'm not so good in front of cameras....

- And neither out of Carrots, don't be modest! - A distant voice was heard.

- That was my partner, Nick Wilde, who promised that this will be SECRET!

- Oh please, like I would be so desperate to know about your life, I mean, I know that I'm the main character on it!

- Nick... if you stand around here, I promise that I will stop doing this!

- Ok, ok, damn fluff, you're so emotional!

The door from outside of the room, was closed and Judy smiled, more quiet.

- Anyways... Now I'm here in the Central Hospital of Zootopia... today was a very special day... We defeat Bellwether! Our ex-Mayor and the head of a terrible conspiracy to the predators... After 3 months separated, Nick and I are finally friends again... it was so exciting! We made a trap for her and... boom! She sang all her plan... seconds later, all the ZPD appeared in front of us to get her arrested. She was so angry...

This morning, I was totally upset, without any hope and now... everything is different, I'm a cop again, Nick and I are friends again, the city is safe... is like the fairy tales... a happy ending.

Stop Recording- Hopps 1-A


- So... Are you ready Carrots? Did you finish your video? - Nick appeared in her door again, with his eyes closed, pretending respect her privacy.

- Yeah dumb fox, come here, I'm finished for now... but, Will you do this too?

- Yes I swear you! - He raised his paw to emphasize his promise.

- The doctors and Bogo are overreacting, it is just a little cut, I can walk for myself now.

- Oh yeah, right, cottontail, because it's totally normal wobbling when you walk. - He sat down in the chair next to his best friend and took a magazine to read it.

- I hate Hospitals! I miss my... wait a minute...

- Now what?

- I lost my apartment here... I finished the contract when I came back to Bunnyborrows... perfect!

- So you're now a homeless... poor Carrots... alone in the big city... Now the Hospital sounds cool, huh?

- Very funny Nick! If you and Finnick can't make your hustles, you can be a comedian!

- Oh cute bunny, that's actually a flattery for me... And what about your parents?

- They don't know a word about all this stuff, I just left the farm this morning without any explanation.

- And yes my friends, that is my pal Judy Hopps, she always does whatever she wants, consequences doesn't care!

- They knew that it was important.

- And maybe they'll discover it when they watch TV, well, just if they have one, of course.

- Hey, are you saying that my parents don't have a TV just for living on a farm?

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