Record 4 - Try everything

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Recording - Wilde 1-D

Have you ever felt that peace, after a great struggle and uncertainty? Well I won't know how it feels... Someone should warn the ZPA to never put Judy Hopps as an instructor... no one would survive... Help me!

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Stop Recording- Wilde 1-D

- Oh come on fox, don't tell me you can't do it anymore, get up and 200 more!

- Carrots, no mammal can do 500 sit-ups, I think it's even illegal, this is already police abuse. - The fox dropped to the ground, trying to pull in as much air as he could.

- I do, and I'm a mammal like you.

- I'm beginning to think you're a robot with no feelings.

- Tired and all but you keep on with your sarcasm? - She took her tablet, made some notes, and her mocking look changed to a totally strict and concentrated one.

-The break is over! Resume now! - The doe said in an authoritative voice, hitherto unknown to her friend.

- Fluff, calm down, I...

- Hopps for you when we are training.

- But...

- Listen to me Wilde... the academy is tough, they'll beat you to a pulp from the first day if you don't prepare yourself... I prepared for years, you only have days, five to be exact. Only the valedictorians get to Precinct 1. You have to give it your all... but if you want to give up...

- Hold it right there Hopps! I said I would do it and I'm not going to defect. You'll see! - With a strength he never knew he had, Nick got up and started running across the park.

- Great... although it had to be abs. - Judy said to herself.

Recording - Hopps 1-D

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Nick is great, extremely lazy, but he has great courage, he just has to put his own mind to it. I don't like to be so rude to him, but just remembering how hard it was for me... I don't want him to go through the same thing, not if I can help him, plus I know he understands.

Stop Recording- Hopps 1-D

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Recording - Wilde 2-D

Sadistic is the word that would define her, I know she wants to help me and everything but... is she getting back at me for cheating on her the first time?

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Stop Recording- Wilde 2-D

- And that's all! Your record today, Nick, is 320 yards. - An alarm suddenly began to sound, as the poor vulpine stopped in front of it, panting.

- Oh, I'm Nick again... Wait... only 320! That can't be...

- It's only the first day, take it easy.

- Ah, now you want me to take it easy?. Do you have a split personality or something, Demon Instructor - Hopps?

- Of course not, in training we have to be serious, believe me, I'm an angel compared to Major Friedkin.

- Why do I feel like I'm going straight to my funeral...

- Don't be a crybaby. - She offered him a bottle of water while giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.

- Hey! Did you know you already left a bruise there? My arm wants to know why you hate it so much.

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