Record 12 - What team and forgiveness means

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Recording-Hopps 1- L

Nick and his mother left to talk about half an hour ago.... What should I do, go back to Zootopia and give them their space or stay in case he needs me?

They both looked very's a relief that everything turned out okay. in your face Jonah!

Stop recording-Hopps 1-L


The doe put away her camera and sighed, watching as everyone began to leave the academy for what she assumed would be their celebrations with family members. The bench was too high, so she played with her floating paws. Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of her, covering her from the sun.

-So you're the voice that kept me awake at night. - Ed smiled at her.

- So you're the one who kept teasing me, huh!

- Oh no, that was Wilde, I swear. - They both laughed and the buffalo stretched his hoof in salute. - I'm Ed, a pleasure Officer Hopps.

- I'm off duty, just call me Judy. Many congratulations by the way, Nick told me how skilled you are, he sounded like a proud mother.

- Yeah... he tends to overdo it.

- I know, but I don't think so in this case, I saw you on the news when the terrorists.

- What can I say! You sent the army.

- Don't remind me. - She laughed in embarrassment and cleared her throat to change the subject. - Ready to celebrate with your parents?

- Yes, actually Mom and I wanted to invite you to eat with us and then we could take you to Zootopia.

- That would be great! Nick is still talking to his mom, so when he gets back I'll tell him.

- Perfect, I'll let mom know. - The young, newly graduated officer ran off, while Judy sighed.

- Where is he and why is he taking so long?

But seconds later, the answer appeared in front of her, walking very fast and without noticing her.

- Hey Slick! Here I am! So soon and you already want to get rid of your partner? huh. - she joked, hitting him playfully.

But the fox just walked straight ahead, without stopping.

- Nick, wait, what's wrong?

- You want to know what's going on, huh Hopps? - He said almost in a whisper and with an icy voice.

- Yeah, what do you got? Where were you? What happened?

- What happened is you just completely ruined my graduation. - Said the fox without looking at her.

- What? What do you mean?

-Why the hell did you think it would be a good idea to bring my mother here? How the hell did you know about her? Did you spy on me?

- No, I just... Clawhauser was going through paperwork and she...

- And you thought contacting her was a good idea... Listen to me... He turned to look at her angrily, worse than the day they grew apart almost a year ago. - If I had cut her out of my life, it was for a reason. I understand that you have a fairy-tale relationship with your parents... But it's not the same for everyone! Who do you think you are to interfere with my past? - Although he spoke softly, the fury emanating from Nick was palpable, his friend just looked at him scared, her nose twitching like crazy.

- Nick, I... I didn't know, I had no idea...

- Exactly, you didn't know and yet you did it...

- Wilde, finally you show up! Come on, Mom, wait.

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