Record 3 - Against the world

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- Silence animals! We're gonna start the trial, where the plaintiff Nicholas Piberious Wilde and his lawyer Dingoms, are seeking to sue the Commissioner Edwin Antilops, for discrimination and speciesism.

- Thank you Judge Trompez. My client, the Commissioner Antilops, has been in his position for 6 years, without any complaint, without any report. Police corruption in his administration decreased by 56%, the highest percentage in the last 15 years. - The pig continued talking, while Officer Hopps approached her friend's lawyer to whisper in his ear.

- I'm sorry, but I think I have a good argument for beating him, the hired sheeps....

- Ms. Hopps, Mr. Wilde is my client, trust me and return to your seat.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - The doe sighed and surrendered returning to her seat.

- My client, the honorable Commissioner, was only doing his duty, keeping criminals away from the police force.

- Objection! You have no evidence to call him a "criminal"! - The doe spoke, jumping up from her seat, again.

- Overruled, Officer, remember that you are only a spectator, you cannot intervene.

- I'm sorry. - She sighed even more annoyed, ignoring the small smile that the fox gave her from his place.

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That stupid pig was as corrupt as the stupid Commissioner! But, I'm pretty quiet, I could contact the best lawyer of Zootopia. I know that he'll show them the best arguments! In your face Antilops.

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- Thank you Judge, I'll explain the situation of Mr Wilde. He had some difficulties bringing bread to his table. He needs the job to start again. Thank you.

- Wait a minute... that's all? - Judy was puzzled. - What happened to the exposure to speciesism in his youth and... is he saving it for later?

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My answer was: No... our "honorable" Lawyer was a terrible liar and I swear that I saw how he and the Commissioner winked at each other. But it won't stay like this... They don't know who I am.

Stop Recording- Hopps 2-C


- Carrots, this looks terrible, winning is not a possibility for us, we're not even close.

- It's not our fault... well, partly mine. I should have found you a better lawyer.

- A speciesist lawyer allied with the defendant. Don't worry, it's really not surprising. - The fox's green eyes showed his weariness, and Judy could sense a kind of disappointment, one much like on the day of her press conference.

- Don't worry, there's still a lot to do, Nick.

- Like what?

- Oh just trust me.

Recording - Wilde 1-C

That scary smile Hopps... I don't know who is going to be her victim... but you should all watch out... it might even be me.

. . .

Stop Recording- Wilde 1-C


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