Chapter 2

79 6 2

11 - 22 - 2023


After being half-woken up several times by the medic moving around, I finally jolted into complete wakefulness. "Ratchet's still holding the sparkling..." I heard a whisper, before squeaking at the bot holding me, who's name was Ratchet. He had turned to glare at the bots who were muttering amongst themselves. The room was cramped with the frames of roughly 10 bots, Smokescreen standing to the side, Cliffjumper standing next to Arcee, talking to her about things, two bulky bots, one white, and one green, stood next to each other, chattering to each other. The tall, red & blue mech standing by himself, the last 4 bots were out of my sight, blocked by the other's frames.

When Ratchet noticed I had woken up, he huffed, and put me down on the counter in front of him.

The other bots were beginning to snicker, mostly the two in the far far back, as they managed to move forward while Ratchet had left me alone on the counter. The two smaller, younger bots snickered, and approached me, I squawked curiously at them, they let out a mildly sinister chuckle.

Both of them were golden yellow & red, one was more yellow, and the other more red, overall they were both looking the same, shape-wise. The red one picked me up roughly, the room was loud with chattering, and overall it was confusing. Nobody seemed to notice what the twins were doing.

The red one, being young and stupid started to roughly throw me into the air, causing me to squeak from sudden fear. I was quiet for the most part, and before I realized, they had moved me to a hallway where they could play with me in peace.

The red one continued throwing me into the air, his brother increasingly growing more nervous, and tried to get his brother to stop throwing me. That was until... they didn't catch me.

I flopped to the ground, with a thud, luckily landing on my aft. I felt the pain suddenly spread over my lower half, and a deep shiver went up my spinal strut. I landed flat on my tail. I let out an audio-piercing cry, wailing out.

I barely heard the pede steps nearing over my cries, The twins stood dumbfoundedly staring at me, and the red one tried to run away, but his brother stopped him. After about 30 seconds of wailing, I was scooped up by a larger pair of more gentle servos, I snuggled against the bot's chassis, still crying, and sniffling.

They turned me over, and I looked up at the soft, gentle face of Ratchet, before watching him throw a wrench at the red twin. "Sunstreaker! Sideswipe- When I'm done with you two fragging bots! You're not going to walk for a month!" Ratchet said loudly, causing me to wail louder from minor fear.

Another pair of servos grabbed me gently, and I ended up snuggling into the chassis of another white-frame. I didn't notice she was also holding the other sparkling, Cheetor, until he cuddled against me. They were white and blue, and standing next to her, was a tall, mostly blue mech, who looked at me with a mild scoff.

"At least she'll be taken care of by the resident parental unit." Smokescreen jokes, hardly being half his max estimated size, only a little bit taller then the twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, Smokescreen turned to look at me and Cheetor in the femme's arms, earning a glare from the tall blue mech.

I slowly calmed down, enjoying the comfort from being snuggled into the femme's chassis, and Cheetor's snuggling into me and the femme holding us.
I chirped happily, squeaking demandly, when I felt an unfamiliar feeling resonating from deep inside, The femme put a bottle in my intake, and I quietly drank the energon.

When I was satisfied, she took it away, and I chirped happily, eager for some sort of attention. She placed me into the arms of the tall blue mech, tending to Cheetor who stubbornly refused his energon.

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