Chapter 4: Part 1

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2 - 26 - 2024

Several earth months had passed, long, boring earth months.

Soon it had been a whole earth year since I arrived, and we were headed back to cybertron. But a deep pit of worry formed in the bottom of my tanks. I felt agitated. I hardly remembered anything that had happened in the last year. I chirped boredly tracing the base with a wobbly trot. It seemed even after all this time walking, I still had to learn to keep my balance.

I was curious about the dark blue mech on a medical table, strapped down, and seemingly motionless and thoughtless, with only the very slight tapping of his digits giving any telltale sign of being online.

Blueracer grabbed me quickly, I chirped in confusion, realizing how I had been wandering closer. Everyone else was out on a mission, except for Smokescreen, Ratchet and Bulkhead. Cheetor was peeking out from outside the hanger, scared to come anywhere near the new, unfamiliar mech. Bumblebee was probably still recharging in the other hanger. Not the one next door, as it was blown up and burned to ashes.

Blueracer was about to scoop Cheetor up, when something crashed through the window, shooting at everyone, and Blueracer decided the best place to hide us was under a table.

Me and Cheetor cowered under the table, watching everyone collapse to the ground, unconscious.

The tall slender mech picked me up. Cheetor leapt after us, digging his teeth and claws into the mech's shoulder, before being grabbed with a tentacle and placed down, with a very slight shock of electricity that made them fall unconscious. Everyone else was defeated. I let out a hiss, trying to pull away from his grip. Ratchet was being dragged by his tentacles, while he carried me gently, petting my back struts, and scratching behind my audios.

He seemed... oddly sad. Why was he sad? I calmed down and chirped at him. I glanced up at his visored faceplates. Ah. I see now. I chirped at the little spark floating around us. Ravage went offline several vorns ago.

That's why he was sad. He was sad because I reminded him of his lost cassette.

I chirped, snuggling into his chassis, before innocently looking up at the warlord. I just realized how we already went through a groundbridge. I let out a hiss as soon as the warlord placed his servos on my back struts, preparing to take me away from the tall visored mech.

"The autobots had a peculiar cyber-cheetah. Hm... I don't recall any of them looking like this." The warlord said with a low, curious hum. He grabbed me by my scruff. I snarled at him. He poked me with a sharp digit, hard enough to scratch through a layer of thin protective armor. I let out a quiet cry of pain, whining as I struggled in his grip.

They had quickly found out that I was indeed not an ordinary cyber-cheetah.

"Shockwave, any ideas about this unusual sparkling?" The warlord had asked his lead scientist, I was still cowering over my wound. Shockwave hummed, grabbing me with his servo. I knew better than to bite and claw him so I just stared at him with a sad, innocent expression, he set me down on a nearby medical table.

I knew the number of sparks tied to these two, as if to haunt them... far too many. They were stuck because of their anger towards them. I chirped at a little spark, and it floated over to me. I chirped again, and gently held it in my paws, and quietly nuzzled it.

I now know why the Warlord did the things he did.
He had a family, a sparkmate and a sparkling, and they were killed in a protest for their freedom... the authorities of kaon killed them.

I purred quietly, as the sparklet's carrier floated over, as if to call her back. I gently brushed them with the tips of my paws, and gave them the choice whether to watch from the well where they can watch in peace... or to stay and watch their sparkmate & sire fall deeper then he already was.

I felt the disturbance of the energon flowing through his spark... I let out a deep growl of warning, sensing the darkness. It was bad that one day about eight earth months ago...

But it was even worse in the Warlord's presence. I felt a servo touch my backstruts as if to hold me down. I let out a hiss, as I struggled to escape. I swiveled around, biting into the servo holding me down.

As soon as sickly sweet energon flowed into my intake, I gagged, letting go as I coughed and choked as I tried to get rid of the burning energon in my intake.
I let out a low whine.

As soon as some of it rolled down into my tanks, I immediately expelled it from there, getting rid of it as I curled up pathetically, whining as I stared at the pale violet energon currently drying on the medical table.
I looked up at the warlord who had an odd expression as he looked around at the sparks currently floating about the room, his mate and sparkling watching on in sadness.
He let out a deep, surprised huff, before looking at the sparks of his family, his optics grew gentle and sad as he looked up at them.

"My lord?" Shockwave asked, the scientist looking at us in confusion. I felt the grief, the anger rolling off him, as he grew sober from it. I chirped, touching his servo which healed, and leaping up to his chassis. He looked at me in shock, anger overwhelming him as he tried to yank me off and throw me back down, yet his family stopped him with a quick whip of movement in front of him. He relaxed, before gently petting me.

He was reminded of why he did the things he did, but was also reminded of the crimes he committed, murdering families and sparklings.
He suddenly felt bad, I knew that. He finally realized that he was nothing better than the council.

The thing that would also return him back to normal, before growing insane from the dark energon currently circulating in his frame, that he put in, vorns ago, would be to remove it... no, replace it.

Shockwave, however, was unredeemable... He did it just for his own benefits, not for others... he had no excuse, nor did he have a chance at redemption.

I let out a chirp, and nuzzled his chassis as I focused, turning the solid violet crystal into pure blue, which washed the rest of the violet matter away.
I let go of him as his optics grew blue, and confused. I crashed down to the medical berth, where I laid in exhaustion, before slipping into a deep, deep recharge.

I woke to yelling, and crashing. I let out a distressed yowl, shivering as I opened my optics only to find a large silver frame standing protectively in front of me. The sparks floating about had surrounded me in worry. I squeaked quietly, chirping quietly as I stood onto weak, trembling paws.

"Lord Megatron, what has gotten into you?" Shockwave said in mild disgust. "Nothing Shockwave. What is wrong with you?! You're trying to experiment on a sparkling out of everything!" He barked.

I chirped, worried. "We were trying to overthrow the council, yet we ended up just as bad as them!" Megatron barked, still standing protectively in front of me. I chirped again, stepping forward, to nudge him, only to trip over my paws and tumble onto my face. I let out a wail as pain shot up from my faceplates.

I was instantly met with gentle, rough servos as they scooped me up into a protective embrace. "We're ending this war. Today, now." Megatron ordered, walking out of the room with me gently tucked to his chassis. I whimpered quietly, chirping as I gently rubbed my face with my forepaws.

He ended up carrying me to the bridge. I had decided to fall into recharge, exhausted. I did not care for the hunger in my tanks, I was far too tired to care about it.
Soft, roughened servos gently petting me, along with a smooth, rough and firm voice lulled me into recharge.

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