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CW: Family neglect and kidnapping (of sorts)

Zyrex knew that he wasn't the favourite out of him and his brother. He knew that his father didn't like that he was a watcher because of how he was treated because of it and that they loved his brother for being an admin. They were never particularly mean to him, they weren't particularly anything to him at all. They praised Xisuma for each thing that he did while he was just waiting in the background, sometimes even getting better marks at whatever activity they did but still getting nothing. Honestly, after a while, he started preferring it, he used the alone time he had to do his best at sword fighting as well as using magic, he was better at using his sword than he was magic but he was getting good at both of them. He did start spending less time with his brother, he knew that Xisuma was trying to reach out to him but at the time he blamed him for his parents not paying attention to him.

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Zyrex had been in a bad mood when he broke into his brother's server for the first time and decided to cause some chaos, it was long after their parents had passed and all the feelings he had bottled inside finally needed an outlet, and because he still blamed his twin brother. He had to admit that it felt good to let everything out, but he did cause a lot of damage that he wasn't sorry about. "Zyrex what are you doing?!" Xisuma asked him.

"Having fun brother. Finally letting go, you should try it sometime," Zyrex said, still causing chaos.

"Leave!" his brother yelled.

"You don't have to get feisty about it," Zyrex said, "I'm just wanting to have fun,"

His brother pulled out his admin screen and kicked him off the server, but that didn't stop Zyrex.

He kept coming back in the future, causing chaos whenever he entered. He wanted to see how much Xisuma could take before he had enough of him. He was being childish but he was enjoying himself, he felt better than he had in the years of being ignored that he had dealt with. He was annoyed when they started calling him 'Evil X' like he was just an evil clone of his brother, which is why he also made life annoying for them, but in his mind they deserved it. He had kept going on even as they changed seasons and as the updates for the servers kept coming he kept causing more and more problems for the hermits and kept enjoying every moment of it. Then Xisuma finally got angry, truly angry, and he screamed out as loud as he could and finally banned him. He had to admit it was painful when it happened, and he wasn't expecting to be picked up by some watchers after that either.

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When he woke up in a hall surrounded by what he could only assume were other watchers he didn't know what to think. He just tried to stay calm as he realised what he was in was an academy. His parents had told him about them, in one of the few conversations that they had, and they warned him about what they did. He only partially listened to what they were saying, he didn't doubt it was some brainwashing nonsense, as much as he hated his brother he knew that he was a good person and that other admins weren't bad people either. He only paid attention to snippets of the conversation, but he did learn that he was going to be taught things, he wasn't looking forward to having more school but at least it would improve his abilities. He also learned he was going to have a roommate, but at least it wouldn't be as bad as having a twin brother. As everyone got up he followed them all out and a key appeared in his hand. It didn't take him long to find his room, his key had the number 19 and as he was near the front of the pack he found his room quickly. He saw that his roommate was someone called Xelqua Carolus but he just wanted to get into his room for now and he headed over to the left side.

He saw the door open and a person with dirty blonde hair came in, he guessed it was Xelqua. Xelqua said "Ummm... I think this is my room but the first name on the door is wrong,"

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