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AN: Yeah, the schedule died. Kind of sorry, I don't know?

By the way change in the key.

'Normal speaking.'

Thoughts, or speaking with Lion

"Words from the past."

'I'm okay, but we can't fight this guy alone,' Keith replied after Black was blasted back by a beam from Lotor's ship.

'You won't have to,' Lance answered, Red flying smoothly and cleanly. She spun, shooting four fighters easily.

Then Coran provided back up as well, firing from the castle cannons.

Lance flew and destroyed several more ships, but being unused to the speed caused her to fly too close to Lotor's ship. She just pulled back and grazed the side of the ship.

'Be careful with Red, Lance!'

'Oh, I'm sorry, but I didn't realise that Red was your lion,' she answered sarcastically, and then smashed a fighter to pieces.

A few seconds later and Allura joined them, flying Blue.

Lotor retreated as soon as Allura joined them, and the five returned to the castle.

When Keith and Lance exited their respective Lions, their armour had changed. Keith's usually red armour had black. Lance's was now a blood red colour, that contrasted her eyes perfectly  and stood out against the black armour (she didn't mind the red).

AN: High-tech alien armour can't match respective Lions? Please, I beg to differ. Secondly, her suit is still in that black mode because I have a feeling Lance prefers the darker colours.

The rest went to meet in the lounge, but Lance walked towards Blue's hangar.

She looked up at the Blue Lion with a small frown. 'We had some great adventures, Blue, didn't we? I wanted to stay with you, but, sometimes, what we want is not necessarily what we get.'

She sighed deeply and then turned away. 'I'm gonna miss you, buddy.'

Allura entered, with her new armour that was designed the same way as the other Paladins. It was primarily blue and white, but she also had pink shoulder and elbow pads.

Lance smiled. 'Pink, huh? Didn't know you could have more than one colour.'

'Yes. In Altea, we wear this colour to honour our fallen warriors. I wear it to honour the Paladins of old,' Allura answered with a sad smile and Lance placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

'And Shiro,' Allura looked down sadly as she added this.

Lance took her hand off and summoned her bayard, handing it to Allura. 'This belongs to you now.'

Allura took it, and looked up at Lance, who smiled softly. It wasn't her usual smile, this one was kinder and more calm. 

'If I had to lose Blue to someone, I'm glad it was you.'

Then the moment was destroyed by Keith leaving the castle in Black.

'You wanted me to lead Voltron? This is how I lead.'


'How about this? Everyone stay out of my way!'

'Great. Absolutely brilliant leadership,' Lance replied sarcastically.

Keith had placed a tracker on Loto's ship, which he had made the five Lions fly to. Then he had flown in with no warnings and they now couldn't form Voltron.

The Paladins of VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now