Hangouts, Encounter Confinements, & A Special Announcement. Chapter 12:

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(Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! Sorry for not updating this ina bit. I get writers block for this story often and yk school & wutnot. Hope you enjoy. {ngl i got lazy at the end...} Also poor Izu! YEAAAAAHHHH DADMIC!!! TW?)

They were outside just following a sidewalk down the familiar street.

"So now what do you wanna do?"

"Ummm... c-could we maybe look around the mall?"

"Of course Snowflake!"

They head to the mall.

"I wonder if they have any new movies playing? Wanna go see?" Shoto asks.

She nods.

So they head to the indoor theater.

When they got there they saw that the only new movies that were going to play came out the next week.

"We could still watch something if you'd like?"

She looked at all the options.

"I don't really see anything I wanna watch from here."

"Me either honestly. Wanna head to the food court?"

"Yea, sure."

They walk to the food court and think about what they want.

Once there they went to their respective stalls to order their food. Elly made sure not to use any of the money her dad gave her, keeping it separate from her own.

They met back up and sat down at a table and talked.


Shota and his idiot friends were at his place. They were grading as he tried to figure out how to rearrange the seating chart.

"Nem Zash why don't you two take a break from grading and come help me rearrange the seating chart." He said.

They gladly accepted the distraction and came closer to him.

"So Hitoshi is in the class now, right?" Hizashi asked.

"Yea and I'm trying to find where he'd fit but also keep certain ones away from each other like Midoriya and Bakugo. Honestly I should have done this sooner."

"Better late than never!" Nem says trying to be enthusiastic.

"Hmm... not according to Tenya." Sho smirks.

"Whatever. That's just how he is."

"Right. Well, are you going to put Elly's group together?" Say asks.

"Yes, thinking about putting them all in Midoriya's column."

"Should put Shinso with them." Nem suggests.

"But then there's six and only 5 to a column."

"So keep Sho jr where he is."

"Zashi, did you just-" The tired man cut himself off so done with it.

"Anyways we could put Ten at the front."

"And put Elly next to Shoto!"

"Yes and Hitoshi seems like a kid who's stuff in the back so he can sit right in front of her!"

"And Izu gets to stay in his seat while Kyoka takes the spot between him and Ten."

"Exactly Nem!"

"Ugh,you two can do this by yourselves. I need a nap."

"Alright!" They say in unison and start working out the seating chart.

Shota sighs and zips up his sleeping bag flopping to the ground ungracefully and starts to doze shortly after.

Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-Norma Neko-Ōkami. (Todoroki x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu