Don't Trust Agustin Near The Grill

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Felix and Agustin decided to have a barbecue for the family, so everyone was in Casita’s backyard.

‘Maybe this won’t be so bad’ Camilo thought as he sat at the back of the group so as to not draw any unwanted attention towards himself.

Although Camilo didn’t want attention, he still ended up getting it.

“Hey Camilo, why are you sitting at the back?” Mirabel asked as she approached him.

“I feel like it,” Camilo replied.

“Well I'll stay here with ya so you're not alone” Mirabel said as she took the seat next to him.

‘I want to be alone’ Camilo thought.

Everyone had trusted Agustin to cook the food on the grill. Which was honestly probably the first mistake.

‘“What do you mean by that’”

Agustin was at the grill, flipping patties and barely catching them each time.

Meanwhile, Mirabel was still talking to Camilo about everything and anything.

“So Camilo, are you excited for the food?” Mirabel asked.

“Yeah I am” Camilo replied as he looked at Agustin and saw that he put in way too much charcoal.

‘I have a bad feeling about that,’ Camilo thought.

Agustin had flipped a patty in the air, and it fell in between the space of the metal rods and fell right into the charcoal, resulting in a big flame on the grill.

Agustin jumped back to not get burned, and almost everyone looked at the flame wide-eyed.

The only one not scared was Camilo since to him it was a minor issue.

‘Good grief’ Camilo thought as he snapped his fingers and put the fire out

Suddenly, everyone wasn’t scared anymore.
“That was crazy,” Pepa said as she collected herself.

‘Geez everyone is thinking so much it's making my head hurt’ Camili thought as he sat back in his chair.

“Here honey, let me take over” Julieta said as she stepped up to the grill.

“Alright I’m sorry, honey,I tried” Agustin said as he stepped to the side.

“It’s fine you gave it your best” Juliea said as she made the food.

And soon everyone had their food.

‘This is pretty good’ Camilo thought as he ate his food.

(Sorry this chapter is short I wanted to get this out before I got busy and there's an announcement on the next page)

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