Why Are They Portraying Me? (Breaking Things Behind Walls PT 2)

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I punched Rose. She finally let go and pulled away. "Ow! What was that for!" She screamed and she was about to throw hands but I grabbed her and pushed her to the floor "Dont fucking kiss me infront of a girl I love ever again? Do you understand? Because no one loves you. Your a freak who deserves nothing but pain in life!" I shouted and she nodded. I slapped her across the face before leaving the dining hall and I got pulled up by a teacher. "Mr Listing" said a familiar voice. It was Mr Amor and I was so glad. "Mr Amor! Look...she deserved it..." I sighed and Mr Amor looked me up and down. "Is that the girl that made you cry?" He asked and I nodded even tho Anna made me cry by breaking up with me. "Yes...it was...Her name is Rose..." I sighed and Mr Amor nodded. "We have a Rose in the school?" He asked and I laughed and nodded "yes...well uhm...yeah" i said awkwardly then Mr Amor smiled and walked away. Wow i thought i was getting into trouble... anyway i walked back into the dining hall and i saw Rose crying her eyes out on the floor and Gustav ran to me with Bill and Tom. "No way did you just do that!" Bill said in complete shock. I nod and I laughed then Tom's eyes were wide. "No...no way! Ayyy that's our boy!" Tom laughed and I glared at him. "Watch who your talking to ay?" I laughed jokingly and Tom rolled his eyes. Gus nudged me and I looked at him "you did good. Proud!" Gus chuckled and I nudged him back and me and the boys were laughing but then I saw Rose.

"Georg i want to talk" said Anna and I looked really worried. "Oh...uh...ok" I said awkwardly then Anna started to walk out of the dining hall and I'm guessing she wanted me to aswell...I'm use to her holding my hand but whatever I followed her. As we went out the dining hall she grabbed my arm and held it tight squeezing it a little. "Listen here. You completely looked stupid. Why did you do that. Its embarassing!' She groaned and I was shocked by what she said and I started to teat up from it. "Anna...i...i...i just wanted to...stick up for...myself...and you...our relationship..." I sighed and I wiped my eyes "stop crying. I've broken up with you now suck it up. And plus I've found someone new." She groaned and I looked at her again in shock. "Wait. Who?" I asked clearly angry and she rolled her eyes. "I spoke to much. No one!" She shouted and she started to let my arm go and she walked away. "Anna!" I shout as I grab her arm but not as tight as when she grabbed me. "Let me go you perv! Kissing one girl after another! I know you and Rose planned it. I wish I never loved you. I wish i hated you. I wish i never spent time with you in bed. I wish i kept my body to myself!" She shouted and she started to try and make me let go but I grip on her tight. "No. No you arnt leaving me. No way are you leaving me. You cant do that. I helped you. I stuck up for your ass and it wasnt planned!" Anna looked at me up and down and she glared. "How come William said it was?" She asked and raised an eyebrow at me and I just looked upset. "Why would you believe that bitch!" I groaned and she slapped me across the face with her free hand. "Because he dosnt go around FUCKING KISSING OTHER GIRLS!" she shouted and she pintched my arm making me let her go. "Ouch..." I whispered to myself then Anna started to walk away. I started to tear up and I shouted "Anna...ANNA!" I screamed and I fell to my knees and started to cry more. "Go away Georg. I hate you. I never want to see you again" she then walked back into the dining hall and I sat on the floor crying my eyes out.

A few minutes go by and I see the boys run to me and they see me on the floor. "Oh my god...Georg what happened?" Bill asked in concern and he kneeled down infront of me. I shook my head not wanting to answer. Tom looked silent and he didnt show any emotion. Gustav looked pissed. "I'll kill Anna if I have to. I know shes done this. It's the second time now shes made you cry." Gus groaned and then he sat next to me. I sat in silence not wanting to answer and I still saw Tom in silence aswell. I dont know whether hes upset or what but it wasnt like him. "Look...Georg you need to tell us...please" Bill sighed looking abit upset and I wiped my face trying to calm myself down, my face was red and wet from tears yet again "look...I'm fine...please..." I sighed and Gustav nudged me "tell us. Now" he sounded very strict but then I took a deep breath then answered "look...Anna wanted to break up obviously before and well...she said she dosnt want to see me anymore..." I started to cry more and I started to choke on tears. Gustav hugged me and Bill started to wipe my tears away, on the other hand, Tom just stood still not saying a word. "I'll kill Anna." Gustav snarled and I shook my head. "No please...i love her..." i cried and Tom scoffed. I looked at Tom confused. Bill and Gustav also looked at him confused. "What's up with you?" Gustav snapped and Tom rolled his eyes. "Look it's just a girl you have to get use to it and stop being a baby!" Tom snapped and I looked shocked. "But Tom...you cry when a girl breaks up with you..." I sighed then I wiped my tears away. Tom started to walk towards me and I started to slowly stand up aswell. "Yeah well that's different because you. You cant get any girls." Tom snapped and kicked Bill out of his way. I gasped as I saw Bill fall of his knees and I noticed Gustav was moving out of the way and I started to take a few steps back "look Tom what's gotten into you?" I asked clearly getting angry and Tom slapped me across the face "you! Your the problem!" Tom shouted then before I could slap him back Gustav held Tom back and Bill ran to me and held me back. Anna then came running out of the dining hall and yelled. "TOM!" and when I heard Anna speak I looked pissed. "Wait..." I said clearly getting upset and Anna stood next to Tom and kissed his cheek.

When I saw that I just thought to myself...

What has gone on here...

Why is this happening.

Why is that not me.

Who are they. And why are they portraying me...

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